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db4objects - Innovating Object Databases with Open Source
Description :

Recently, I had the chance to interview Christof Wittig, CEO of db4objects (

by Roberto Zicari , Paul Johnson
Category: [ CVu Journal Vol 17, #5 - Oct 2005 | Programming Topics ]
Pointer Reversal: An Algorithm Design Technique
Description :

To summarize, as memory goes too low, garbage collection could kick in, but it in turn needs memory to maintain a traversal stack … Quite a catch-22.

by Atul Khot
Category: [ CVu Journal Vol 17, #5 - Oct 2005 | Programming Topics ]
Let's Do C# and MySQL - Part 1 - MySQL
Description :

Before I start, this is going to be fun. Understand? Fun. Not dull, but fun. I intend writing this in a banana suit with my feet in a bucket of warm rice pudding[1]. That's how much fun it's going to be!

by Paul F. Johnson
Category: [ CVu Journal Vol 17, #5 - Oct 2005 | Programming Topics ]
J2SE 5.0 New Features
Description :

J2SE 5.0 has been available for download since the end of 2004. This new release included many changes and enhancements to the Java platform such as speed and stability. Additionally, some changes were made to the Java language itself.

by Dave Salter
Category: [ CVu Journal Vol 17, #5 - Oct 2005 | Programming Topics ]
Transactions with Delegates in C#
Description :

The Delegate type is a powerful feature of C#. This article introduces delegates, and shows how they can be used to solve a common problem: ensuring that a series of database updates occur as a single operation by use of a transaction.

by Matthew Skelton
Category: [ CVu Journal Vol 17, #4 - Aug 2005 | Programming Topics ]
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