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pinBoiler Plating Database Resource Cleanup (Part 2)

Overload Journal #91 - June 2009 + Programming Topics   Author: Paul Grenyer
Timely disposal of resources is important. Paul Grenyer applies this to database access in Java.

In my recent CVu [CVu] article, 'Boiler Plating Database Resource Cleanup - Part I' [PartI] I explained that cleaning up after querying a database in Java is unnecessarily verbose and complex and demonstrated how boiler plate code could be developed to reduce the amount of client code needed using the Finally For Each Release pattern [AToTP] . In this article I am going to look at an alternative boiler plate solution using the Execute Around Method (EAM) [AToTP] pattern. But first, let's take another brief look at the problem.

The problem - revisited

The problem is simple. Cleaning up after querying a database in Java is unnecessarily verbose and complex. Plain and simple. Listing 1 is the code needed to lookup a single string in a database.

        Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(  
           connectionString, username, password );  
          PreparedStatement ps =  
             "select url from services where name =  
            ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();  
            catch(SQLException e)   
            catch(SQLException e)   
          catch(SQLException e)   
      catch(Exception e)  
Listing 1

This is a lot of code to get one string out of a database and most of it must be repeated every time a database is accessed. Most of it is error handling and resource management. For a more detailed look at this code see Part I.

Execute Around Method

The EAM pattern is described by Kevlin Henney in his article 'Another Tale of Two Patterns'. EAM describes how to 'encapsulate pairs of actions in the object that requires them, not code that uses the object, and pass usage code to the object as another object'.

The advantage of EAM over Finally For Each Release is that the client is able to use a resource simply by implementing an interface, using the resource passed to the subclass without worrying about how to clean up and then simply pass an instance of the subclass to another object for resource acquisition, execution and cleanup.

To check or not to check

Checked Exceptions [CheckedExceptions] in Java have their advantages and disadvantages and are a source of much controversy. In my previous article I made all of my interface methods throw Exception (except for ConnectionPolicy, which throws its own custom exception) so that client code can throw almost any exception type it likes. This effectively negates the checked part of checked exceptions.

Instead of using checked exceptions for the EAM design, I am forcing client code to catch and deal with checked exceptions or translate and rethrow them as runtime exceptions, by omitting any exception specification from interface method signatures.

To aid with this I have written an ErrorPolicy interface (Listing 2)and a DefaultErrorPolicy class (Listing 3) that translate Exception into RuntimeException where appropriate.

    public interface ErrorPolicy   
      void handleError(Exception ex);  
      void handleCleanupError(Exception ex);  
Listing 2

    public class DefaultErrorPolicy  
       implements ErrorPolicy   
      private Exception firstException = null;  
      public void handleCleanupError(Exception ex)   
      public void handleError(Exception ex)   
        if (firstException == null)  
          firstException = ex;  
          throw new RuntimeException(ex);  
Listing 3

The ErrorPolicy interface is designed to allow exceptions thrown as a result of an error from using a database resource to be handled differently to those thrown as a result of cleaning up a database resource. For example, a user may want to rethrow only use exceptions and simply log or ignore cleanup exceptions.

DefaultErrorPolicy only rethrows the first exception it is asked to handle. This guarantees that a cleanup exception, which would generally be thrown after a use exception, does not hide the use exception. If I was including the ability to log in my design I would log all exceptions handled by DefaultErrorPolicy.

The error policy must always be set and can always be used in the same way. To provide the necessary consistency when setting the error policy I wrote the following interface:

      public interface ErrorPolicyUser   
        void setErrorPolicy(ErrorPolicy errorPolicy);  

To provide a common, optional method of storing and accessing a reference to the error policy I wrote the abstract class in Listing 4.

    public abstract class AbstractErrorPolicyUser  
       implements ErrorPolicyUser   
      private ErrorPolicy errorPolicy =  
         new DefaultErrorPolicy();  
      protected ErrorPolicy getErrorPolicy()  
        return errorPolicy;  
      public void setErrorPolicy(  
         ErrorPolicy errorPolicy)   
        this.errorPolicy = errorPolicy;  
Listing 4

From policy to factory

The more I thought about and discussed the ConnectionPolicy interface from my previous article, the more I felt it was more like an Abstract Factory [GoF] than a policy. Therefore I have renamed it.

      public interface ConnectionFactory  
         extends ErrorPolicyUser  
        Connection connect();  
        void disconnect(Connection con);  

I want ConnectionFactory clients to be forced to accept an error policy without relying on it being passed to subclass constructors the interface has no control over. Extending the ErrorPolicyUser interface also means that the error policy can be set internally by ConnectionProvider (discussed next).

Most Connection objects are cleaned up in the same way, so having the common code encapsulated in an abstract class prevents unnecessary code duplication. An abstract class is also the ideal place for boiler plate error policy handling (Listing 5).

    public abstract class AbstractConnectionFactory   
       extends AbstractErrorPolicyUser implements ConnectionFactory   
      public void disconnect(Connection con)  
        if (con != null)  
          catch(final SQLException ex)  
Listing 5

AbstractConnectionFactory is a good example of how a class that needs to implement ErrorPolicyUser can extend AbstractErrorPolicyUser to get the implementation and access to the error policy for free.

The disconnect method is also a good example of how the error policy is used to translate a checked exception into something else, in this case a runtime exception. A little more thought needs to be put into the connection creation factories to make sure all exceptions are caught and passed to the error policy (Listing 6).

    public class StringConnection  
       extends AbstractConnectionFactory   
      public Connection connect()   
        Connection con = null;  
          con = DriverManager.getConnection(  
             connectionString, username, password);  
            if (database != null)  
          catch(SQLException ex)  
        catch(ClassNotFoundException ex)  
        catch(SQLException ex)  
        return con;  
Listing 6


The concept of a connection provider was suggested to me by Adrian Fagg. The idea is that a single class is responsible for acquiring a connection, providing it to another class for use and releasing it again. This is Execute Around Method!

The advantage over DbResourceHandler from my previous article is equal encapsulation while making the client less restricted by what they can do with the connection. It does, however, suffer from the same disadvantage that one method is required for uses of the connection which return values and another for uses that do not.

To allow for this, two connection use interfaces are required. The ConnectionUser interface is for uses of the connection that do not return a value:

      public interface ConnectionUser   
         extends ErrorPolicyUser  
        void use(Connection con);  

The ConnectionValue interface is parameterised for the type returned from uses of the connection that return a value:

      public interface ConnectionValue<T>  
         extends ErrorPolicyUser   
        T fetch(Connection con);  

The construction of the ConnectionProvider class is very straight forward. The basic constructor takes a connection factory, creates a DefaultErrorPolicy and passes them both to another constructor that stores the references and passes the error policy to the connection factory. This means that clients of the connection provider are free to use the default error policy or provide their own. (Listing 7)

    public final class ConnectionProvider   
      private final ConnectionFactory conFactory;  
      private final ErrorPolicy errorPolicy;  
      public ConnectionProvider(  
         ConnectionFactory conFactory)  
        this(conFactory, new DefaultErrorPolicy());  
      public ConnectionProvider(  
         ConnectionFactory conFactory,  
         ErrorPolicy errorPolicy)  
        this.conFactory = conFactory;  
        this.errorPolicy = errorPolicy;  
Listing 7

ConnectionProvider has two other methods. One that provides a connection to a ConnectionUser and the other which provides a connection to a ConnectionValue and returns the fetched value (Listing 8).

    public final class ConnectionProvider   
      public void provideTo( ConnectionUser user )  
        final Connection con = conFactory.connect();  
      public <T> T provideTo(  
         ConnectionValue<T> fetcher )  
        final Connection con = conFactory.connect();  
        T result = null;  
          result = fetcher.fetch(con);  
          return result;  
Listing 8

Both methods pass the error policy to the user of the connection, create the connection, pass it to the user and cleanup the connection. They rely on the connection factory to deal with any errors. The example in Listing 9 shows how the ConnectionProvider can be used.

    class User extends AbstractErrorPolicyUser  
       implements ConnectionUser  
      public void use(Connection con)  
        // Use the connection  
    final ConnectionProvider cp =   
       new ConnectionProvider(  
       new StringConnection(...));  
    cp.provideTo( new User() );  
Listing 9

The User class extends the AbstractErrorPolicyUser to get the common error policy storage functionality and implements ConnectionUser so that it can be handled by ConnectionProvider. There is a single override where the connection is used.

Having to extend AbstractErrorPolicyUserand implement ConnectionUser is not ideal. My original design had an AbstractConnectionUser class that extended AbstractErrorPolicyUser and implemented ConnectionUser so that clients only had to extend a single class. This meant having a similar abstract class for every user and value variant, which did not seem worth it when, as we will see later, the user and value variants are encapsulated in another class unless the client wants something custom.


The StatementProvider class (Listing 10) is a natural progressions from the ConnectionProvider and uses EAM in the same way to provide a Statement to a client without the client needing to worry about acquisition or cleanup.

    public final class StatementProvider   
      private final Connection con;  
      private final ErrorPolicy errorPolicy;  
      public StatementProvider(  
         Connection con, ErrorPolicy errorPolicy)  
        this.con = con;  
        this.errorPolicy = errorPolicy;  
      public void provideTo( StatementUser user )  
          final Statement stmt =  
            catch(SQLException ex)  
        catch(SQLException ex)  
      public <T> T provideTo(  
         StatementValue<T> fetcher )  
        T result = null;  
          final Statement stmt =  
            result = fetcher.use(stmt);  
            catch(SQLException ex)  
        catch(SQLException ex)  
        return result;  
Listing 10

The construction is simple and takes only a Connection, from which to create the statement, and an error policy. Again, it has two provideTo methods. One paramatised method that passes the Statement to a StatementValue:

      public interface StatementValue<T>  
         extends ErrorPolicyUser  
        T use(Statement stmt);  

and returns a value. The other method passes the Statement to a StatementUser:

      public interface StatementUser  
         extends ErrorPolicyUser   
        void use(Statement stmt);  

Both methods pass the error policy to the user of the statement, create the statement, pass it to the user, clean it up again and are responsible for error handling.

The execution of statements that do not return a value is very straight forward, so I wrote StatementUser for this purpose (Listing 11).

    public class Execute  
       extends AbstractErrorPolicyUser   
       implements StatementUser   
      private final String sql;  
      public Execute(String sql)  
        this.sql = sql;  
      public void use(Statement stmt)   
        catch(SQLException ex)  
Listing 11


Executing statements that return one or more values is less straight forward and requires a ResultSetProvider (Listing 12).

    public final class ResultSetProvider   
      private final String sql;  
      private final Statement stmt;  
      private final ErrorPolicy errorPolicy;	  
      public ResultSetProvider(String sql,   
         Statement stmt, ErrorPolicy errorPolicy)  
        this.sql = sql;  
        this.stmt = stmt;  
        this.errorPolicy = errorPolicy;  
      public <T> T provideTo(  
         ResultSetFunction<T> fetcher)  
        T result = null;  
          final ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);  
            result =;  
            catch(Exception ex)  
        catch(SQLException ex)  
        return result;  
Listing 12

Again, this is another natural progression from ConnectionProvider. The ResultSetProvider takes the SQL query to execute to create the result set, a Statement from which to create the record set and an error policy. There is only a single paramatised provideTo method as a value is always returned.

The ResultSet is provided to a ResultSetFunction:

      public interface ResultSetFunction<T>  
         extends ErrorPolicyUser  
        T read(ResultSet rs);  

that is parameterised on return type. The method passes the error policy to the user, creates the RecordSet from the Statement and SQL query, passes the ResultSet to the ResultSetFunction, cleans up, handles any errors and returns the value.

With the ResultSetProvider, executing a query that returns a value is almost as simple as executing one that does not and can benefit from similar boilerplate (Listing 13).

    public class ExecuteQuery<T>  
       extends AbstractErrorPolicyUser   
       implements StatementValue<T>   
      private final String sql;  
      private final ResultSetFunction<T> rsUser;  
      public ExecuteQuery(  
         String sql, ResultSetFunction<T> rsUser)  
        this.rsUser = rsUser;  
        this.sql = sql;  
      public T use(Statement stmt)   
        return new ResultSetProvider( sql, stmt,  
Listing 13

The ExecuteQuery class is paramatised on the return type from the query. It takes a SQL query and ResultSetFunction via its constructor. When an instance is passed to a StatementProviderprovideTo method it uses a ResultSetProvider and the ResultSetFunction to execute and return the results of the query.


All of this boilerplate can be wrapped in a single class that provides two static methods, one to execute methods that return a value and another for ones that do not (Listing 14).

    public final class Query   
      public static void execute(  
         ConnectionProvider conProvider,  
         String sql) throws Exception  
        conProvider.provideTo(new User(sql));  
      public static <T> T execute(  
         ConnectionProvider conProvider,  
         String sql, ResultSetFunction<T> rsUser)  
         throws Exception  
          return conProvider.provideTo(  
             new Value<T>(sql,rsUser));  
      private Query()  
Listing 14

Both methods take a ConnectionProvider and a SQL query. The method which returns a value also takes a ResultSetFunction to process the result set into the return value. Both methods pass an instance of a nested class to the connection provider.

The nested class that handles queries that do not return a value is called User (Listing 15).

    private static class User  
       extends AbstractErrorPolicyUser   
       implements ConnectionUser  
      private final String sql;  
      public User(String sql)  
        this.sql = sql;  
      public void use(Connection con)  
        new StatementProvider(  
           new Execute(sql) );  
Listing 15

It takes the SQL query via its constructor and, when passed to a ConnectionProvider, uses the StatementProvider and Execute classes to execute the query.

The nested class that handles queries that return a value is called Value (Listing 16).

    private static class Value<T>  
       extends AbstractErrorPolicyUser   
       implements ConnectionValue<T>  
      private final String sql;  
      private final ResultSetFunction<T> rsUser;  
      public Value(String sql,  
         ResultSetFunction<T> rsUser)  
        this.rsUser = rsUser;  
        this.sql = sql;  
      public T fetch(Connection con)   
        return new StatementProvider(  
        new ExecuteQuery<T>(sql,rsUser) );  
Listing 16

It takes the SQL query and a ResultSetFunction via its constructor and, when passed to a ConnectionProvider, uses the StatementProvider and ExecuteQuery classes and the ResultSetFunction interface to execute the query and return the result.


The ResultSetFunction interface needs a little further explanation as it is the only interface most clients will need to implement albeit then only for queries that return a value.

    public interface ResultSetFunction<T>  
       extends ErrorPolicyUser  
      T read(ResultSet rs);  

The interface extends ErrorPolicyUser, which means clients can make use of AbstractErrorPolicyUser to get the common implementation. As I will demonstrate later, it will often be useful to extend ResultSetFunction using an anonymous class. Anonymous classes cannot inherit from more than one class or interface, therefore I have written an AbstractResultSetFunction class that does nothing other than extend AbstractErrorPolicyUser and implement ResultSetFunction:

     public abstract class AbstractResultSetFunction<T>  
        extends AbstractErrorPolicyUser  
        implements ResultSetFunction<T>   

Now all clients have to do is extend AbstractResultSetFunction and implement the read method.

The read method takes a ResultSet and returns a value. It is responsible for extracting the results from the result set and processing them into something that can be returned. As read does not have an exception specification it is also responsible for error handling. For example, retrieving a single string from a database table (Listing 17) or retrieving multiple strings from a database table (Listing 18).

    new AbstractResultSetFunction<String>()  
      public String read(ResultSet rs)  
        String result = null;  
          if (  
            result = rs.getString("url");  
        catch(SQLException ex)  
        return result;  
Listing 17

    new AbstractResultSetFunction<List<String>>()  
      public List<String> read(ResultSet rs)  
        List<String> result =   
           new ArrayList<String>();  
          while (  
        catch(SQLException ex)  
        return result;  
Listing 18

Putting it all together

To use the boilerplate to query a database, a client must first create a connection factory:

      final ConnectionFactory conFactory =  
        new StringConnection(DRIVER, CONNECTION_STRING)  
        .setUser(USERNAME, PASSWORD)  

Then create a connection provider and pass it the connection factory and, optionally, a custom error policy:

      final ConnectionProvider cp =  
         new ConnectionProvider(conFactory);  

Once created the connection factory and connection provider can be used for any number of queries and therefore only need to be created once. Executing a query that does not return any results can then be done with a single statement:

      Query.execute( cp,  
        "insert into services ([name],[url])" +    

Queries that return results only take a little more, almost all of which is the anonymous class that processes the results from the result set (Listing 19).

    final String s =  
      Query.execute( cp,  
         "select url from services where name =  
         new AbstractResultSetFunction<String>()  
        public String read(ResultSet rs)  
          String result = null;  
               if (  
                  result = rs.getString("url");  
             catch(SQLException ex)  
             return result;  
Listing 19


Boiler plating database resource cleanup with Execute Around Method offers a high level of safety and encapsulation while not compromising on control of the database resources in client code. Reducing the amount of code that has to be written each time also reduces the possibility of mistakes and resource leaks.


Thank you to Adrian Fagg for guidance into Execute Around Method, not to mention quite a bit of help with the design.


[AToTP] 'Another Tale of Two Patterns:'

[CheckedExceptions] 'Checked Exceptions'

[CVu] CVu:

[GoF] Gang of Four: Design Patterns : Elements of reusable object-oriented software by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides. Addison Wesley ISBN-13: 978-0201633610

[Part I] 'Boiler Plating Database Resource Cleanup' - Part I:

Overload Journal #91 - June 2009 + Programming Topics