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Joining the ACCU
Joining the ACCU (why join?) can be done through the web site. It is a two step process.
Create an account on the site on the Register a new account page. See Help for further information.
Once your account is created and you are logged in, click on the [Account] link on the login box or go to your Account page. Select the tab marked [Subscriptions]. This takes you to the subscription section with a short introduction and tab marked [Subscribe] or [Renew]. Fill in the form (or check the details if renewing), select the submit button, and again to confirm and then choose the [Go to Payment] button which will send you off to the Worldpay pages. Upon successfully completing payment you will be returned to the site a fully fledged member!
We accept Visa, Mastercard, Switch and Delta. Amounts are in sterling, overseas payments will be charged at the current exchange rate.
Or Join using Other Ways To Pay
Page last changed 13 November 2016.