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Why join ACCU?
"I knew the language and tools better than any of my colleagues - so I thought I was a great programmer. Then I joined the ACCU and not only found out there was much, much more than I knew, but also found a community that helped me learn it."
As a member of the ACCU you are part of a community of programmers who care about programming. The ACCU is a tremendous forum for interacting and meeting with programmers through the discussions, the articles in the ACCU journals, online study groups and the ACCU conference.
Members of ACCU receive bi-monthly copies of the journals, may join the online study groups and have access to the full archive of the discussions and journals. Membership attracts discount rates for the ACCU conference and suppliers who actively support the ACCU.
Members are encouraged to contribute to the discussions, the book reviews and the ACCU journals to develop their skills and depth of understanding.
To join, continue here. For more information about ACCU see About ACCU.
Types and Cost of Membership
The ACCU offers 2 types of yearly membership: Individual and Corporate.
Individual ACCU membership includes subscription to the ACCU journals (C Vu and Overload) and full access to website facilities including the journal archives.
Full individual membership: £45.00/year. (Concessionary rate: £22.50/year)
We also offer Basic Individual Membership: £32.00/year (Concessionary rate: £16/year). This is similar to Full Individual Membership except that the subscription to the ACCU journals does not include Overload.Individuals providing proof of full-time education, unemployment, or retirement are eligible for the concessionary rate. Individuals requesting the concessionary rate are required to submit appropriate documentation to the Membership Secretary.
Corporate ACCU membership is for any size of organisation with single or multiple sites and includes subscription for a minimum of 5 copies of the ACCU journals (C Vu and Overload) and full access to the website facilities.
Single site Corporate Membership (5 x C Vu and 5 x Overload): £150.00/year
Multi-site Corporate Membership: For a multi-site Corporate Membership rate please contact the Membership Secretary. The guidance rate for multi-site Corporate Membership is £150.00/year + £45.00 for each additional copy of the journals required.
For more details on the membership types see the constitution.
To join, continue here.
Page last changed 9 April 2017.