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Test Driven Development of C# User Interfaces
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In my last article I discussed the values in the Agile Manifesto and what they mean to mean. There are many practices that can be used to make yourself more agile. Short iterations, the planning game, pair programming, and refactoring are a few of the practices present in eXtreme programming. The practice of most value to me, and the practice that many recommend to use as a starting point, is Test Driven Development - TDD.

by Phran Ryder
Category: [ CVu Journal Vol 17, #6 - Dec 2005 | Design of applications and programs ]
Debuggers Should Go Backwards
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The computer science community has shown a woeful lack of interest in debugging, which given the huge economic cost of debugging is somewhat mysterious. However, there may be signs of "green shoots" in the desert landscape of debugging tools.

by Greg Law , Julian Smith
Category: [ CVu Journal Vol 17, #6 - Dec 2005 | Design of applications and programs ]
Patterns in C - Part 5: REACTOR
Description :

This final part of the series will step outside the domain of standard C and investigate a pattern for event-driven applications. The REACTOR pattern decouples different responsibilities and allows applications to demultiplex and dispatch events from potentially many clients.

by Adam Petersen
Category: [ CVu Journal Vol 17, #5 - Oct 2005 | Design of applications and programs ]
Patterns in C - Part 4: OBSERVER
Description :

This part of the series will highlight another principle for dependency management and illustrate how both of these principles may be realized in C using the OBSERVER pattern.

by Adam Petersen
Category: [ CVu Journal Vol 17, #4 - Aug 2005 | Design of applications and programs ]
Patterns in C - Part 3: Strategy
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This part of the series will investigate a design pattern that adds flexibility to common software entities by letting clients customize and extend them without modifying existing code.

by Adam Petersen
Category: [ CVu Journal Vol 17, #3 - Jun 2005 | Design of applications and programs ]
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This article reports on an experimental study, performed during the 2003 ACCU conference, that attempted to measure one particular aspect of developer identifier meaning assignment behavior. The study investigated the extent to which belief in the applicable application domain affects the meaning assigned to identifier names.

by Derek Jones
Category: [ CVu Journal Vol 15, #6 - Dec 2003 | Design of applications and programs ]
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