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Mixing Strings in C++
Description :

This article is not going into the realm of how characters are represented and conversions between character representations, instead the interaction between different string implementations are investigated.

by Sven Rosvall
Category: [ CVu Journal Vol 15, #4 - Aug 2003 | Programming Topics ]
Generating Lists for C++ in Python
Description :

In this, the second article in my Practical Uses for Python in C++ Series, I explore and provide examples of using Python [python] to generate lists for C++.

by Paul Grenyer
Category: [ CVu Journal Vol 15, #3 - Jun 2003 | Programming Topics ]
A Python project (2)
Description :

This article continues my description of the Python code in a small project designed to help increase one's vocabulary in a foreign language by playing audio samples.

by Silas S Brown
Category: [ CVu Journal Vol 15, #3 - Jun 2003 | Programming Topics ]
Non-Standard Code
Description :

I recently faced a problem which I felt I could only solve using non-standard code, and thought that some of the issues this brought up might be of interest to the readers of CVu.

by Roger Orr
Category: [ CVu Journal Vol 15, #2 - Apr 2003 | Programming Topics ]
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