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Terse Exception Messages
Description : Log files often contain ‘error’ information. Chris Oldwood suggests they rarely contain anything that could be considered helpful. by Chris Oldwood
Category: [ Overload Journal #127 - June 2015 | Programming Topics ]
Get Debugging Better!
Description : The GNU debugger has several useful features you may not know. Jonathan Wakely shows us how to save time and pain with some simple tricks.
Category: [ Overload Journal #127 - June 2015 | Programming Topics ]
Make and Forward Consultables and Delegates
Description : Sometimes forwarding to a contained object requires lots of boilerplate code. Nicolas Bouillot introduces consultables and delegates to automate this.
Category: [ Overload Journal #127 - June 2015 | Programming Topics ]
Editorial: Where was I?
Description : Space and time are relative. Frances Buontempo wonders whether this will wash as an excuse for another lack of editorial. by Frances Buontempo
Category: [ Overload Journal #126 - April 2015 | Journal Editorial ]
Non-Superfluous People: UX Specialists
Description : User experience specialists are sometimes regarded as superfluous people. Sergey Ignatchenko demonstrates why they can be vital. by Sergey Ignatchenko
Category: [ Overload Journal #126 - April 2015 | Design of applications and programs ]
Alternatives to Singletons and Global Variables
Description : Global variables and Singletons are usually considered bad. Bob Schmidt summarises some alternatives. by Bob Schmidt
Category: [ Overload Journal #126 - April 2015 | Programming Topics ]
Resource Management with Explicit Template Specializations
Description : RAII is a useful idiom. Pavel Frolov presents a powerful extension using explicit template specialization. by Pavel Frolov
Category: [ Overload Journal #126 - April 2015 | Programming Topics ]
Variadic and Variable Templates
Description : C++11 and 14 offer new features for Variadic and Variable templates. Peter Sommerlad showcases the compile-time possibilities they offer. by Peter Sommerlad
Category: [ Overload Journal #126 - April 2015 | Programming Topics ]
iterator_pair – A Simple and Useful Iterator Adapter
Description : Can you form a new contain from two others? Vladimir Grigoriev reminds us how to write an iterator. by Vladimir Grigoriev
Category: [ Overload Journal #126 - April 2015 | Programming Topics ]
Seeing the Wood for the Trees
Description : The outdoors is fabled to be great. Teedy Deigh suggests your code reflects your environment without ever having to look out of the window. by Teedy Deigh
Category: [ Overload Journal #126 - April 2015 | Programming Topics ]
Editorial: FUD – Fear, uncertainty and doubt
Description : Sometimes programming is neither an engineering discipline nor a science. Frances Buontempo considers when it slips into the numinous realm. by Frances Buontempo
Category: [ Overload Journal #125 - February 2015 | Journal Editorial ]
Best Practices vs Witch Hunts
Description : Best practices can be a Good Thing. Sergey Ignatchenko considers when they can turn into Really Bad Things. by Sergey Ignatchenko
Category: [ Overload Journal #125 - February 2015 | Programming Topics ]
Making a Tool of Deception
Description : Is it possible to use modern C++ to make mocking easy? Björn Fahller introduces Trompeloeil, a header-only mocking framework for C++14. by Björn Fahller
Category: [ Overload Journal #125 - February 2015 | Programming Topics ]
Modern C++ Testing
Description : Various C++ testing framework exist. Phil Nash compares CATCH with the competition. by Phil Nash
Category: [ Overload Journal #125 - February 2015 | Programming Topics ]
I Like Whitespace
Description : Programming style can cause endless arguments. Bob Schmidt shares why he thinks whitespace matters. by Bob Schmidt
Category: [ Overload Journal #125 - February 2015 | Programming Topics ]
Faking C Function with fff.h
Description : Faking functions for testing in C can ease testing. Mike Long overviews a micro-framework for mocking. by Mike Long
Category: [ Overload Journal #125 - February 2015 | Programming Topics ]
How to Write an Article
Description : Submitting an article for publication might seem difficult. Frances Buontempo explains how easy it is. by Frances Buontempo
Category: [ Overload Journal #125 - February 2015 ]
Ruminations on Self Employment and Running a Business
Description : Being self-employed has pros and cons. Bob Schmidt reviews what he has learnt about running your own business. by Bob Schmidt
Category: [ Overload Journal #124 - December 2014 | Project Management ]
Non-Superfluous People: Testers
Description : Software development needs a team of supporting players. Sergey Ignatchenko takes a look at the role of professional testers. by Sergey Ignatchenko
Category: [ Overload Journal #124 - December 2014 | Programming Topics ]
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