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Mailing Lists FAQ
How do you subscribe to a mailing list?
How do you unsubscribe from a mailing list?
Are weekly digest posts available?
What if I change my email address?
Are archives available for the mailing lists?
How do I get a reminder of my mailing list password?
Which list manager software do you use?
Who should I contact for further help?
How do you subscribe to a mailing list?
To subscribe to a mailing list click on the link supplied on the mailing lists page, or through the mailing list manager configuration pages.
Alternatively, send an email to the mailing list request address (e.g. for accu-general the email address is with the single word subscribe (or unsubscribe to unsubscribe) in the body of the message. The subject line of the message is ignored. Please make sure that all formatting, signatures and vcards are swiched off, as this can confuse the mailing list manager software.
How do you unsubscribe from a mailing list?
To unsubscribe from a mailing list visit the mailing list manager configuration pages and select the appropriate mailing list. You can then click on the "Unsubscribe or edit options" button which will allow you to unsubscribe. You will need the credentials created by mailman for your subscription to unsubscribe which are different to those needed to log into the site. A reminder of these credentials is sent out from the mailing list manager every month.
Alternatively, send an email to the subscribe link of the appropriate mailing list request address (e.g. for accu-general the email address is with the single word unsubscribe in the body of the message. The subject line of the message is ignored. Please make sure that all formatting, signatures and vcards are swiched off, as this can confuse the mailing list manager software.
Are weekly digest posts available?
You can optionally receive a weekly email consisting of all posts batched up as one big file by modify the options associated with your mailing list subscription. These options can be configured using the mailing list manager configuration pages using an address of the form:<mailing list>/<email address>. The exact address to use will be sent in your subscription confirmation and the monthly subscription reminder.
Are archives available for the mailing lists?
Archives for the mailing lists are available through the mailing list manager configuration pages.
Older Hypermail archives of accu-general and accu-prog-questions are available to members (you will need to be logged in to see these archives).
How do I get a reminder of my mailing list password?
After June 2018 the mailing lists longer send monthly password reminders. You can obtain a password reminder through the mailing list manager configuration pages.
Which list manager software do you use?
The mailing list manager software currently used by ACCU is Mailman version 2.1.
What if I change my email address?
If your email address is due to change, then please unsubscribe from any lists you belong to, and subscribe back to the lists when you get your new email address.
If your email address has already changed, then please get in touch with the list owner who will be able to manually re-subscribe/unsubscribe you. The list owner address is the normal list address with "-owner" appended, e.g. or
Who should I contact for further help?
If you have any further problems or queries, please contact one of the mailing list administrators:
- accu-general - accu-general-owner
- accu-contacts - accu-contacts-owner
- accu-books - accu-books-owner
- accu-study-groups - accu-study-groups-owner
- other - webmaster
Page last changed 26th July 2016.