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Overload Journal #139 - June 2017

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I am not a number
Description : When is a number not a number? Frances Buontempo counts the ways this happens. by Frances Buontempo
Category: [ Journal Editorial ]
Allocator for (Re)Actors with Optional Kinda-Safety and Relocation
Description : How do you deal with memory for (Re)Actors? Sergey Ignatchenko proposes an allocation scheme. by Sergey Ignatchenko
Category: [ Programming Topics ]
Initialization in C++ is Bonkers
Description : Uninitialised variables can cause problems. Simon Brand reminds us how complicated it can get. by Simon Brand
Category: [ Programming Topics ]
Vulkan and you – Khronos’ successor to OpenGL
Description : Various graphics APIs exist. Andy Thomason unravels the mysteries of Vulkan, the latest 3D Graphics API from Khronos, the custodians of OpenGL. by Andy Thomason
Category: [ Programming Topics ]
Kotlin for C++ Developers
Description : What could a language the originated on the JVM possibly offer C or C++ devs? Hadi Hariri tells us.

by Hadi Hariri
Category: [ Programming Topics ]
Getting Tuple Elements with a Runtime Index
Description : Accessing a tuple with a runtime index is a challenge. Anthony Williams shows us his approach. by Anthony Williams
Category: [ Programming Topics ]
Description : What makes programming fun? Chris Oldwood ponders what floats his boat. by Chris Oldwood
Category: [ Process Topics ]