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Programming Topics or CVu Journal Vol 28, #5 - November 2016
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Refactoring Towards Seams in C++
Description : Breaking dependencies in existing code is hard. Michael Rüegg explains how seams can help and provides new automated refactorings for C++ to achieve them.
Category: [ Programming Topics | Overload Journal #108 - April 2012 ]
Description : Breaking dependencies in existing code is hard. Michael Rüegg explains how seams can help and provides new automated refactorings for C++ to achieve them.
Category: [ Programming Topics | Overload Journal #108 - April 2012 ]
Compiling a Static Web Site Using the C Preprocessor
Description : Sometimes the obvious way is still too complex. Sergey Ignatchenko relates how ‘No Bugs’ Bunny found an unexpectedly simple approach to creating a web site.
Category: [ Programming Topics | Overload Journal #108 - April 2012 ]
Description : Sometimes the obvious way is still too complex. Sergey Ignatchenko relates how ‘No Bugs’ Bunny found an unexpectedly simple approach to creating a web site.
Category: [ Programming Topics | Overload Journal #108 - April 2012 ]
Memory Leaks and Memory Leaks
Description : Correct use of memory is a major occupation of software development. Sergey Ignatchenko considers what we mean by ‘correct’.
Category: [ Programming Topics | Overload Journal #107 - February 2012 ]
Description : Correct use of memory is a major occupation of software development. Sergey Ignatchenko considers what we mean by ‘correct’.
Category: [ Programming Topics | Overload Journal #107 - February 2012 ]
Many Slices of π
Description : Many numberic estimation techniques are easily parallelisable. Steve Love employs multi-threading, message passing, and more in search of π.
Category: [ Programming Topics | Overload Journal #107 - February 2012 ]
Description : Many numberic estimation techniques are easily parallelisable. Steve Love employs multi-threading, message passing, and more in search of π.
Category: [ Programming Topics | Overload Journal #107 - February 2012 ]
Why Computer Algebra Won’t Cure Your Calculus Blues
Description : We still haven’t found how to accurately do calculus. Richard Harris revisits an algebraic technique.
Category: [ Programming Topics | Overload Journal #107 - February 2012 ]
Description : We still haven’t found how to accurately do calculus. Richard Harris revisits an algebraic technique.
Category: [ Programming Topics | Overload Journal #107 - February 2012 ]
The Eternal Battle Against Redundancies, Part 2
Description : Repeated information leads to poor quality software. Christoph Knabe continues to see how removing them has influenced language design.
Category: [ Programming Topics | Overload Journal #107 - February 2012 ]
Description : Repeated information leads to poor quality software. Christoph Knabe continues to see how removing them has influenced language design.
Category: [ Programming Topics | Overload Journal #107 - February 2012 ]
A Practical Introduction to Erlang
Description : The future of massively parallel hardware will need good language support. Alexander Demin takes a look at an unexpected approach.
Category: [ Programming Topics | Overload Journal #107 - February 2012 ]
Description : The future of massively parallel hardware will need good language support. Alexander Demin takes a look at an unexpected approach.
Category: [ Programming Topics | Overload Journal #107 - February 2012 ]
The Eternal Battle Against Redundancies, Part I
Description : The drive to remove redundancies is widely seen as a good thing. Christoph Knabe sees how it has influenced programming languages.
Category: [ Programming Topics | Overload Journal #106 - December 2011 ]
Description : The drive to remove redundancies is widely seen as a good thing. Christoph Knabe sees how it has influenced programming languages.
Category: [ Programming Topics | Overload Journal #106 - December 2011 ]
RAII is not Garbage
Description : Many think that Garbage Collection frees the programmer from cleanup tasks. Paul Grenyer compares and contrasts it with a classic C++ idiom.
Category: [ Programming Topics | Overload Journal #106 - December 2011 ]
Description : Many think that Garbage Collection frees the programmer from cleanup tasks. Paul Grenyer compares and contrasts it with a classic C++ idiom.
Category: [ Programming Topics | Overload Journal #106 - December 2011 ]
Why Polynomial Approximation Won't Cure Your Calculus Blues
Description : We’re still trying to find a good way to approach numerical computing. Richard Harris tries to get as close as possible.
Category: [ Programming Topics | Overload Journal #106 - December 2011 ]
Description : We’re still trying to find a good way to approach numerical computing. Richard Harris tries to get as close as possible.
Category: [ Programming Topics | Overload Journal #106 - December 2011 ]
Concurrent Programming with Go
Description : Concurrency is becoming ever more important. Mark Summerfield looks at the approach of the new language Go.
Category: [ Programming Topics | Overload Journal #106 - December 2011 ]
Description : Concurrency is becoming ever more important. Mark Summerfield looks at the approach of the new language Go.
Category: [ Programming Topics | Overload Journal #106 - December 2011 ]
Why Finite Differences Won’t Cure Your Calculus Blues
Description : Now we know our problem in depth. Richard Harris analyses if a common technique will work adequately.
Category: [ Programming Topics | Overload Journal #105 - October 2011 ]
Description : Now we know our problem in depth. Richard Harris analyses if a common technique will work adequately.
Category: [ Programming Topics | Overload Journal #105 - October 2011 ]
Outsource Your Self-Discipline
Description : It’s all too easy to skip those tedious but vital steps towards code quality. Filip van Laenen suggests getting someone else to do them.
Category: [ Programming Topics | Overload Journal #105 - October 2011 ]
Description : It’s all too easy to skip those tedious but vital steps towards code quality. Filip van Laenen suggests getting someone else to do them.
Category: [ Programming Topics | Overload Journal #105 - October 2011 ]
Picking Patterns for Parallel Programs (Part 1)
Description : Designing programs for multi-core systems can be extremely complex. Anthony Williams suggests some patterns to keep things under control.
Category: [ Programming Topics | Overload Journal #105 - October 2011 ]
Description : Designing programs for multi-core systems can be extremely complex. Anthony Williams suggests some patterns to keep things under control.
Category: [ Programming Topics | Overload Journal #105 - October 2011 ]
Intellectual Property – a Crash Course for Developers
Description : Interpreting law is a tricky business. Sergey Ignatchenko introduces someone who can help you avoid expensive mistakes.
Category: [ Programming Topics | Overload Journal #105 - October 2011 ]
Description : Interpreting law is a tricky business. Sergey Ignatchenko introduces someone who can help you avoid expensive mistakes.
Category: [ Programming Topics | Overload Journal #105 - October 2011 ]
Over-Generic Use of Abstractons as a Major Cause of Wasting Resources
Description : We often find ways to hide complexity. Sergey Ignatchenko looks at how this can be sub-optimal.
Category: [ Programming Topics | Overload Journal #104 - August 2011 ]
Description : We often find ways to hide complexity. Sergey Ignatchenko looks at how this can be sub-optimal.
Category: [ Programming Topics | Overload Journal #104 - August 2011 ]
Thread-Safe Access Guards
Description : Ensuring safe access to shared data can be cumbersome and error-prone. Bjørn Reese presents a technique to help.
Category: [ Programming Topics | Overload Journal #104 - August 2011 ]
Description : Ensuring safe access to shared data can be cumbersome and error-prone. Bjørn Reese presents a technique to help.
Category: [ Programming Topics | Overload Journal #104 - August 2011 ]
An Introduction to Test Driven Development
Description : TDD is too often thought to be all about Unit Tests. Paul Grenyer works through an example to show the bigger picture.
Category: [ Programming Topics | Overload Journal #104 - August 2011 ]
Description : TDD is too often thought to be all about Unit Tests. Paul Grenyer works through an example to show the bigger picture.
Category: [ Programming Topics | Overload Journal #104 - August 2011 ]
Why [Insert Algorithm Here] Won’t Cure Your Calculus Blues
Description : We now know that floating point arithmetic is the best we can do. Richard Harris goes back to school ready to show how to use it.
Category: [ Programming Topics | Overload Journal #104 - August 2011 ]
Description : We now know that floating point arithmetic is the best we can do. Richard Harris goes back to school ready to show how to use it.
Category: [ Programming Topics | Overload Journal #104 - August 2011 ]
Some Objects Are More Equal Than Others
Description : Comparing objects is a fundamental operation. Steve Love and Roger Orr consider different language approaches.
Category: [ Programming Topics | Overload Journal #103 - June 2011 ]
Description : Comparing objects is a fundamental operation. Steve Love and Roger Orr consider different language approaches.
Category: [ Programming Topics | Overload Journal #103 - June 2011 ]