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Programming Topics and Overload Journal #105 - October 2011
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Why Finite Differences Won’t Cure Your Calculus Blues
Description : Now we know our problem in depth. Richard Harris analyses if a common technique will work adequately.
Description : Now we know our problem in depth. Richard Harris analyses if a common technique will work adequately.
Outsource Your Self-Discipline
Description : It’s all too easy to skip those tedious but vital steps towards code quality. Filip van Laenen suggests getting someone else to do them.
Description : It’s all too easy to skip those tedious but vital steps towards code quality. Filip van Laenen suggests getting someone else to do them.
Picking Patterns for Parallel Programs (Part 1)
Description : Designing programs for multi-core systems can be extremely complex. Anthony Williams suggests some patterns to keep things under control.
Description : Designing programs for multi-core systems can be extremely complex. Anthony Williams suggests some patterns to keep things under control.
Intellectual Property – a Crash Course for Developers
Description : Interpreting law is a tricky business. Sergey Ignatchenko introduces someone who can help you avoid expensive mistakes.
Description : Interpreting law is a tricky business. Sergey Ignatchenko introduces someone who can help you avoid expensive mistakes.