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The ACCU passes on review copies of computer books to its members for them to review.
The result is a large, high quality collection of book reviews by programmers, for programmers.
Currently there are 1949 reviews in the database and more every month.
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Search is a simple string search in either book title or book author. The full text search is a search of the text of the review.
Designing Multimedia Environments for ChildrenAuthor:
A Druin&C SolomonISBN:
0 471 11688 2Publisher:
David HodgeSubject:
multimediaAppeared in:
10-3If you are thinking of designing computer applications to be used
by children and have never tackled the subject before, then this book will
give you the background and insight into what children look for in a
computer application and what turns them off.
There is a fair amount of history, mainly how and why Logo was developed, which shows how research into learning by computer was complemented by something that actually worked.
The book comes with a CD-ROM that gives some visual meaning to the examples that are talked about in the text.
Interesting to read and written by someone who knows his subject.