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Winn L. Rosch Hardware Bible, 6edAuthor:
Francis GlassborowSubject:
internals and hardwareAppeared in:
15-3I am not going to say much about this book. It covers the broad range
of current and recently available electronic technology (including all
forms of digital cameras) whilst information about legacy technology
(such as 30-pin SIMMS, daisy-wheel printers etc.) has been placed on the
books website. That website also includes updates and the complete text of
the book. It is password protected and you will need a copy of the book
beside you when you register because it will validate your registration
by asking for what word is printed at a specific location in the book
(the mechanism does not seem very secure as you could be using a library
copy or one borrowed from a friend).
If you want/need a comprehensive guide to hardware for PCs this one is well-written and well-informed.