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The XML Handbook 2ed
Charles Goldfarb&Paul Prescod
Francis Glassborow
XML is one of the newer technologies on the block. I am
not going to say very much here because I have a good number of
other reviews to write on books that are more on topic for this
publication. For those who have been too busy to keep track of
what has been happening recently, XML is a highly generalised
mark-up language which allows separation between the mark-up and
the implementation (provided by DTD files). This means that you
can provide alternative implementations for the way that a file is
displayed. Even the concept of display has to be taken in a very
generalised form. I am told, but do not know from my own
experience, that it is already possible to implement a mark-up to
control speech synthesis.
I think that such technologies as XML are ones that professionals
in the software field need to acquire because they are going to
become increasingly important in the future. For example I started
in on this book because I needed a better understanding of XML to
manage automatic conversion from Quark Express files (used to
print C Vu and Overload) to XML that can be used to generate HTML
versions. I would have got further were the converter I was using
not had a time-limited licence and other things such as producing
the current issues for printing have taken priority.
This particular book on XML is comprehensive, and, I believe,
reasonably accurate though verifying technical correctness is
always difficult unless you are already several levels above the
target readership.