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Understanding&Programming COM+
Had this book been entitled 'An introduction to COM and
COM+' I would have had no quarrel with it. As it is, the title
promises more than the book delivers. I can understand the
author's desire to make the book self-contained. However, it
results in the book covering so many topics that there is only
space for a superficial treatment of the interesting ones. Thus,
apart from a few brief mentions in the introductory chapters, the
coverage of COM+ only begins halfway through the book. Even in the
second half, large parts of the material are not specifically
related to COM+. For example, the chapter entitled 'Web
Applications Using COM+' contains samples of the following
technologies: HTML, CGI, client-side VBScript, ActiveX controls,
ISAPI, ASP, ASP/ADO and ASP/COM. Connoisseurs of Microsoft
acronyms will recognise that all these predate COM+.
That said, if you do treat the book as an introduction, it is not
a bad one. It is a hands-on programming book, with plenty of
sample programs. These come with clear explanations of what they
are supposed to demonstrate, with step-by-step instructions for
building and running them and with plenty of screen shots to show
what the results should be. Not a bad book then:just one that
fails to live up to its title. If you have an urgent need to get
some hands-on experience of programming COM+, then you might give
it a try. If you are more interested in concepts than programming,
I would recommend PlattUnderstanding COM+(Microsoft Press, 0 7356 0666 8). If you want an advanced COM+
programming book, you probably won't have to wait too long for a
more advanced one than this.