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Managing Mailing ListsAuthor:
Alan SchwartzISBN:
1 56592 259 XPublisher:
Al LinesSubject:
internet;unixAppeared in:
12-2Not a book dealing with programming at all, but a topic that
a number of people use--mailing lists. There are very few books
dealing with the actual running of a list, let alone all of the main
lists, in fact Majordomo, Listserv, ListProc and SmartList. The
author starts by getting the basic nuts and bolts out of the way, in
terms of what a mail list is, the types of list and basics of the
design, principally single message or digest. The remainder of the
book is then a series of chapters on configuring a list, with
chapters for each of the list. This means that almost a quarter of
the book is redundant, unless (for some strange reason) you are
running multiple list processors. However, for the size of target
audience of such a book, this is really, I guess, of necessity.
Saying all of this, I did find the information useful to ensure that
I did have my own (Majordomo) lists set up correctly and with the
appropriate security. Here the book is helpful in having the
information printed out, but still there is little more than can be
found by reading the details in the configuration files and from
other sources (such as for Majordomo). As a result
it is only really worth recommending for novices to list processing,
especially in choosing which list processor to choose. But if you
are running a list manager already, not a great buy.