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Database Models, Languages, DesignAuthor:
James JohnsonISBN:
0 19 510783 7Publisher:
Edward CrosbySubject:
databaseAppeared in:
10-5As an introductory textbook for the computer science student
studying databases, this book is excellent. It would have been a positive
gem if it had been around when I was studying for my degree. Why? Well, for
a start it would have brought together several of the core subjects into
context with one another. It covers database evolution, illustrating the 5
models (the relational, the object oriented, the deductive and the older
network and hierarchical). It covers SQL, ER diagrams, set theory, disc
storage management and relational algebra. It covers database design, etc.
and all in sufficient detail and depth to give the student the exact depth
of knowledge required on today's courses. It is clear, concise and
practical. No condescending tones. It is readable in every way.
The author, a Professor in Computer Science gets right down to the details and where some readers may find the going difficult they should persevere and not be put of by the use of mathematics. The book is of background interest to the database practitioner. Not in the same sense of course, no exam to pass, but good to fill in those missing gaps of background knowledge or as a self study course. I found this book most interesting and as an introduction to database models, languages and design would highly recommend it.