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The ACCU passes on review copies of computer books to its members for them to review.
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Currently there are 1949 reviews in the database and more every month.
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The Limits of SoftwareAuthor:
Robert BritcherISBN:
0 201 43323 0Publisher:
Francis GlassborowSubject:
technologyAppeared in:
12-3This book is far from what I expected. It is a collection of
seventeen essays by the author that are autobiographical in part and
anecdotal elsewhere. Each item is chosen because it encapsulates
something worthy of thought but the author does not attempt to tell
you what to conclude. In some cases the conclusions are obvious but
in others they are likely to be very individual. There is a sense in
which these essays are an exercise in extended Haiku because the
author is sharing factual experiences with the reader while leaving
the reader to interpret them and add emotional content.
Robert Glass wrote the forward and his first sentence is:
"I can't believe how hard it has been for me to write a forward to this book." Later he writes:
"This book is not like anything else you've ever read on the subject of computing. It's part storytelling, part history, part art, part science, part philosophy, part logic - all entwined around the subject of computing and software. To be honest, I don't know whether or not you'll like this book" Well this reviewer did, but I have no idea as to whether you will. If nothing else read the whole of Robert Glass' foreword.
Worth sharing though a little expensive ...