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The ACCU passes on review copies of computer books to its members for them to review. The result is a large, high quality collection of book reviews by programmers, for programmers. Currently there are 1949 reviews in the database and more every month.
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Practical Computer Graphics 2nd ed
Malcolm Richardson
0 07 709444 1
Francis Glassborow
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It is hard to characterise this book. The depth of some of the material makes it unsuitable for the casual reader. On the other hand most of the material falls short of what the specialist would require.

For example the chapter on fonts, typefaces and printing provides information about such things as anti-aliasing, Postscript, Truetype fonts etc. but nowhere gives you more than a general knowledge introduction. That is perfectly reasonable as long as the reader expects no more than this. However in chapter 7 we find a considerable discussion of problems such as that of drawing straight lines on a pixel based screen which includes some programming in Visual Basic.

I think the ideal reader is an intelligent and inquisitive person who lacks much technical background but is inquisitive and would like to broaden their understanding of computer display technology. If you want something to help you with developing computer graphics you will need to look elsewhere.