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Bletchley/TNMOC Auction 2012

Posted by: astrid on 29 April 2012 22:03:45 +01:00

News Articles

ACCU raises £3900 for Bletchley Park and The National Museum of Computing
27-04-2012 ACCU has held their annual charity auction to benefit Bletchley Park and The National Museum of Computing. The competition was fierce and in the end raised a much needed £3900 for the two charities. Many thanks to John Chapman from Bletchley Park and Joel Steinberg from TNMOC for their assistance in securing so many marvellous lots as well as their masterful compering of the event. And many thanks as well to all of the generous (and patient) attendees. Further information about Bletchley Park and TNMOC are available at:
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