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The PfA Papers: The Clean Dozen
Description : Patterns are social animals and are often found in the company of others. This issue, Kevlin Henney looks at where 'Parameterise from Above' has been hanging out. by Kevlin Henney
Description : Patterns are social animals and are often found in the company of others. This issue, Kevlin Henney looks at where 'Parameterise from Above' has been hanging out. by Kevlin Henney
Functional Programming Using C++ Templates (Part 1)
Description : Template metaprogramming can initially seem baffling, but exploring its link to functional programming helps shed some light on things. by Stuart Golodetz
Description : Template metaprogramming can initially seem baffling, but exploring its link to functional programming helps shed some light on things. by Stuart Golodetz
auto_value: Transfer Semantics for Value Types
Description : In his quest to pass around values efficiently, Richard Harris concludes by looking at ways of transferring ownership, now and in the future. by Richard Harris
Description : In his quest to pass around values efficiently, Richard Harris concludes by looking at ways of transferring ownership, now and in the future. by Richard Harris