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Programming Topics
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Dogen: The Package Management Saga
Description : How do you manage packages in C++? Marco Craveiro eventually discovered Conan after some frustrating experiences. by Marco Craveiro
Description : How do you manage packages in C++? Marco Craveiro eventually discovered Conan after some frustrating experiences. by Marco Craveiro
QM Bites – Order Your Includes (Twice Over)
Description : Header includes can be a shambles. Matthew Wilson encourages us to bring some order to the chaos. by Matthew Wilson
Description : Header includes can be a shambles. Matthew Wilson encourages us to bring some order to the chaos. by Matthew Wilson
A Lifetime In Python
Description : Resource management is important in any language. Steve Love demonstrates how to use context managers in Python. by Steve Love
Description : Resource management is important in any language. Steve Love demonstrates how to use context managers in Python. by Steve Love
Deterministic Components for Distributed Systems
Description : Non-deterministic data leads to unstable tests. Sergey Ignatchenko considers when this happens and how to avoid it. by Sergey Ignatchenko
Description : Non-deterministic data leads to unstable tests. Sergey Ignatchenko considers when this happens and how to avoid it. by Sergey Ignatchenko
Programming Your Own Language in C++
Description : Scripting languages allow dynamic features easily. Vassili Kaplan writes his own in C++ allowing keywords in any human language. by Vassili Kaplan
Description : Scripting languages allow dynamic features easily. Vassili Kaplan writes his own in C++ allowing keywords in any human language. by Vassili Kaplan
Concepts Lite in Practice
Description : Concepts should make templates easier to use and write. Roger Orr gives a practical example to show this. by Roger Orr
Description : Concepts should make templates easier to use and write. Roger Orr gives a practical example to show this. by Roger Orr