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Overload Journal #123 - October 2014

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Editorial: Peer Reviewed
Description : Nobody gets it right first time. Frances Buontempo considers the importance of the review team. by Frances Buontempo
Category: [ Journal Editorial ]
Debug Complexity: How Assertions Affect Debugging Time
Description : Debugging any program can be time consuming. Sergey Ignatchenko and Dmytro Ivanchykhin extend their mathematical model to consider the effect of assertions. by Sergey Ignatchenko and Dmytro Ivanchykhin
Category: [ Programming Topics ]
Alternative Overloads
Description : How do you return a default value given a condition? Malcolm Noyes presents solutions using older and newer C++ techniques. by Malcolm Noyes
Category: [ Programming Topics ]
Everyone Hates build.xml
Description : Using Ant build tool can be tricky. Andy Balaam shows how to structure and test the build code. by Andy Balaam
Category: [ Programming Topics ]
Defining Visitors Inline in Modern C++
Description : The Visitor pattern can involve non-local boilerplate code. Robert Mill and Jonathan Coe present an inline Visitor in C++. by Robert Mill and Jonathan Coe
Category: [ Programming Topics ]
A Scheduling Technique for Small Software Projects and Teams
Description : Despite myriad scheduling tools, projects still overrun. Bob Schmidt presents some tips for accurate scheduling. by Bob Schmidt
Category: [ Process Topics ]
Paper Bag Escapology Using Particle Swarm Optimisation
Description : Some attempts at programming one’s way out of a paper bag need an upfront model. Frances Buontempo simplifies things using particle swarm optimisation. by Frances Buontempo
Category: [ Programming Topics ]
Feeding Back
Description : Feedback can be positive and negative. Kevlin Henney contemplates how to make feedback useful. by Kevlin Henney
Category: [ Process Topics ]