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Valgrind Part 4: Cachegrind and Callgrind
Description : When your application is slow, you need a profiler. Paul Floyd shows us how callgrind and cachegrind can help. by Paul Floyd
Description : When your application is slow, you need a profiler. Paul Floyd shows us how callgrind and cachegrind can help. by Paul Floyd
Universal References in C++11
Description : C++11 provides a new reference syntax, T&&. Scott Meyers explains that it doesn’t always mean ‘rvalue reference’. by Scott Meyers
Description : C++11 provides a new reference syntax, T&&. Scott Meyers explains that it doesn’t always mean ‘rvalue reference’. by Scott Meyers
A DSEL for Addressing the Problems Posed by Parallel Architectures
Description : Programming parallel algorithms correctly is hard. Jason McGuiness and Colin Egan demonstrate how a C++ DESEL can make it simpler. by Jason McGuiness and Colin Egan
Description : Programming parallel algorithms correctly is hard. Jason McGuiness and Colin Egan demonstrate how a C++ DESEL can make it simpler. by Jason McGuiness and Colin Egan
Keep It Simple, Singleton!
Description : Naïve assumptions sound like a bad idea. Sergey Ignatchenko discusses how to spot good assumptions in the face of changing requirements. by Sergey Ignatchenko
Description : Naïve assumptions sound like a bad idea. Sergey Ignatchenko discusses how to spot good assumptions in the face of changing requirements. by Sergey Ignatchenko