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Overload Journal #94 - December 2009
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A Crack in Time
Description : Encoding messages has a long history. Ric Parking looks back at how this affected computing. by Ric Parkin
Category: [ Journal Editorial ]
Description : Encoding messages has a long history. Ric Parking looks back at how this affected computing. by Ric Parkin
Category: [ Journal Editorial ]
Shadow Data Types
Description : Hiding implementation details is a good idea. Jon Jagger shows a technique in C that avoids some of the common problems. by Jon Jagger
Category: [ Programming Topics ]
Description : Hiding implementation details is a good idea. Jon Jagger shows a technique in C that avoids some of the common problems. by Jon Jagger
Category: [ Programming Topics ]
Creating a Framework for the iPhone
Description : Apple's iPhone SDK doesn't allow you to create a Framework. Pete Goodliffe explains how to build one manually. by Pete Goodliffe
Category: [ Programming Topics | Design of applications and programs ]
Description : Apple's iPhone SDK doesn't allow you to create a Framework. Pete Goodliffe explains how to build one manually. by Pete Goodliffe
Category: [ Programming Topics | Design of applications and programs ]
The Model Student: A Primal Skyline (Part 3)
Description : The prime factors of the integers show some repeating patterns. Richard Harris investigates whether they have fractal properties. by Richard Harris
Category: [ Programming Topics ]
Description : The prime factors of the integers show some repeating patterns. Richard Harris investigates whether they have fractal properties. by Richard Harris
Category: [ Programming Topics ]
Project-Specific Language Dialects
Description : Today's languages force a one-size-fits-all approach on projects. Yaakov Belch, Sergey Ignatchenko and Dmytro Ivanchykhin suggest a more flexible solution. by Dr. Yaakov Belch
Category: [ Design of applications and programs ]
Description : Today's languages force a one-size-fits-all approach on projects. Yaakov Belch, Sergey Ignatchenko and Dmytro Ivanchykhin suggest a more flexible solution. by Dr. Yaakov Belch
Category: [ Design of applications and programs ]
Quality Matters: A Case Study in Quality
Description : How do we assess quality? Matthew Wilson takes a look at the design of one library. by Matthew Wilson
Category: [ Process Topics ]
Description : How do we assess quality? Matthew Wilson takes a look at the design of one library. by Matthew Wilson
Category: [ Process Topics ]