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Journal Editorial

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Failure is an option
Description : Motivational speeches and aphorisms are clichés. Frances Buontempo wonders if they sometimes do more harm than good. by Frances Buontempo
Category: [ Overload Journal #129 - October 2015 ]
Semi-automatic Weapons
Description : Automating work can save time and avoid mistakes. But Frances Buontempo doesn’t think you should script everything. by Frances Buontempo
Category: [ Overload Journal #128 - August 2015 ]
Editorial: A little more conversation, a little less action
Description : A tension exists between talking and doing. Frances Buontempo wonders which matters more. by Frances Buontempo
Category: [ Overload Journal #127 - June 2015 ]
Editorial: In Between
by Frances Buontempo
Category: [ CVu Journal Vol 27, #2 - May 2015 ]
Editorial: Where was I?
Description : Space and time are relative. Frances Buontempo wonders whether this will wash as an excuse for another lack of editorial. by Frances Buontempo
Category: [ Overload Journal #126 - April 2015 ]
Editorial: FUD – Fear, uncertainty and doubt
Description : Sometimes programming is neither an engineering discipline nor a science. Frances Buontempo considers when it slips into the numinous realm. by Frances Buontempo
Category: [ Overload Journal #125 - February 2015 ]
Editorial: Finding your muse
Description : Lack of ideas and confidence can freeze an author. Frances Buontempo considers how to warm up. by Frances Buontempo
Category: [ Overload Journal #124 - December 2014 ]
Editorial: Peer Reviewed
Description : Nobody gets it right first time. Frances Buontempo considers the importance of the review team. by Frances Buontempo
Category: [ Overload Journal #123 - October 2014 ]
Editorial: Shop ’til you Drop
Description : Deciding which tools to acquire can be a difficult decision. Frances Buontempo muses on a failed shopping trip. by Frances Buontempo
Category: [ Overload Journal #122 - August 2014 ]
Editorial: Very small or very far away:A sense of perspective
Description : A tension exists between being immersed in something and stepping back. Frances Buontempo considers the importance of taking a break. by Frances Buontempo
Category: [ Overload Journal #121 - June 2014 ]
Your Life in Their Hands
Description : We leave an increasingly detailed digital footprint. Ric Parkin worries who can see it. by Ric Parkin
Category: [ Overload Journal #120 - April 2014 ]
Editorial: Random (non)sense
Description : It’s not pretty and it’s not clever. Frances Buontempo considers if the cut-up method can be used to generate editorials. by Frances Buontempo
Category: [ Overload Journal #119 - February 2014 ]
Editorial: Not So Much a Program, More a Way of Life
Description : In an attempt to continue and improve on the successful formula of previous editorial avoidance techniques, Frances Buontempo considers what a program really is. by Frances Buontempo
Category: [ Overload Journal #118 - December 2013 ]
Editorial: Decisions, Decisions
Description : Providing precise definitions can be difficult. For example, what is a program? by Frances Buontempo
Category: [ Overload Journal #117 - October 2013 ]
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