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Journal Articles

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Journals Topics Journal Columns Title Date
40 Design - Programming with Interfaces in C++ 2000-12-26 16:46:04
40 Design - More Include File Rules 2000-12-26 16:46:04
40 Programming - Here be Dragons 2000-12-26 16:46:04
40 Programming - From Mechanism to Method 2000-12-26 16:46:04
40 Management Editorial editorial: Concerning Patents 2000-12-26 16:46:04
126 - Editorial Editorial 2000-12-09 13:15:40
126 - LettersEditor The Wall 2000-12-08 13:15:41
126 - LettersEditor The Wall 2000-12-08 13:15:40
126 - LettersEditor The Wall 2000-12-08 13:15:40
126 - LettersEditor The Wall 2000-12-08 13:15:40
126 - LettersEditor The Wall 2000-12-08 13:15:40
126 - LettersEditor The Wall 2000-12-08 13:15:40
126 - LettersEditor The Wall 2000-12-08 13:15:40
126 - Code Critique Student Code Critique Competition 6 2000-12-06 13:15:42
126 - Professionalism Professionalism in Programming #5 2000-12-06 13:15:41
126 Programming - Questions and Answers 2000-12-05 13:15:41
126 - - Thinking Aloud 2000-12-03 13:15:42
126 Management - Pros and Cons of Contracting 2000-12-03 13:15:41
126 Programming - OOD and Testing using the Dependency Inversion Principle 2000-12-03 13:15:41
126 - - In Defense of the Normal Programmer 2000-12-03 13:15:40
126 - - Members' Experiences 2000-12-02 13:15:41
126 - - Meetings in Toronto 2000-12-02 13:15:41
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