The site was reborn about 10 months ago, in February 2006, and at the end of the year I take a look back at how many folks dropped by and where they came from.
Altogether about 85,000 visitors have passed by and read a total of 920,000 pages, resulting in 4,250,000 hits and pulling down about 20Gb of bandwidth. Monthly averages vary between 6,000 to 8,000 visitors a month. The average visitor reads about 6 pages.
Saturdays are the low days for the site, with only about 20% of the visitors of a weekday, although we have a few Sunday surfers, with Sunday getting about 40% of a normal day. Overall our visitors are definitely surfing from work. Most visitors are from Britain, Europe and the USA, with quite a few from India and Australia. Since putting the journals online they've been downloaded about 4,500 times, the most popular being Overload 75 (700 downloads) and Overload 74 (470 downloads).
The most popular area of the site is definitely the book reviews, with about 150,000 page views.
None of these stats include robots and spiders, which have, between them, indexed 720,000 pages and used 4.7Gb of bandwidth.
Alexa ranks the at about 400,000 (which given the millions of sites, is respectable). Speed of the site puts it in the top 30% with an average page load time of 1.4secs. You can see the ACCU details here.
In June I split off the access gateway into its separate subdomain, partly in order to keep the statistics separate. The gateway transports about 1Gb of data every month except during school holidays, when it drops to about half. And almost nothing on weekends. USA and the UK predominate here, but there are also a lot of users from Spain and Saudi Arabia.
Overall 80% of our visitors claim to be using Windows, with about 7% on Linux and 2.7% on Macs. Internet Explorer is used by 60% and Firefox by 25%.
I hope that in 2007 we can persuade even more visitors that we have something worth looking at and that it is a useful and worthwhile thing to join the association. There is a lot that can be done to make this site a valuable resource for programmers wherever they are and whatevery they program in, it just takes a few volunteers to step up and help out. So, if you have some spare time or even just some ideas, let us know!