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Alan Lenton: A taxing tale....

Posted by: Alan Lenton on 11 November 2006
[11-11-2006] A half-elf's denoument...
Tuppence the half-elf 394th level paladin, paused from slaying the forces of evil and rested his hands of the hilt of his trusty +29 broadsword of ultimate smiting. Beside him the heraldic design on his shield was nearly obliterated by the blood of the vanquished. He looked around at the carpet of fallen enemies and wondered if there would be more to fight this session.

Almost directly in front of him there was a shimmer in the air as a new demon started to materialise. Reacting with the dexterity for which he was famous, Tuppence swung his sword through an arc, building up the momentum to cut the devil spawn in half.

Unfortunately, it didn't work, and he nearly dropped the sword as it bounced off a protective black aura about two inches from the beast's body. "Gazzzooks!", he exclaimed, "Odds bodkins, what manner of deviltry be this?."

The apparition appeared to be human and was wearing what a different culture might have recognised as a dark business suit with an old school tie and patent leather shoes. Reaching into its briefcase it produced a scroll which it handed to the bemused Tuppence, politely raised it's bowler hat and vanished.

Tuppence unrolled the scroll - as a paladin he could read runes, albeit slowly. Carefully he deciphered the scroll. It read 'Sale of virtual character - tax assessment $10,421.89. At the bottom was a scrawled signature and the legend, "Inspector, Australian Tax Office".