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Programming Topics or Design of applications and programs or Overload Journal #95 - February 2010

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[ References | Linux | Programming ] Cross-Referencing Linux
Description : The Linux Cross-Reference project is the testbed application of a general hypertext cross-referencing tool. (Or the other way around.)
Added on : 10 February 2006 23:34:25 +00:00
[ Linux | Assembler | Programming ] Linux Assembly
Description : Information on assembly programming under UNIX-like operating systems.
Added on : 10 February 2006 23:30:12 +00:00
[ Linux | C and C++ | Programming ] Building and Testing gcc/glibc cross toolchains
Description : Building and Testing gcc/glibc cross toolchains
Added on : 10 February 2006 23:24:49 +00:00
[ Java | Frameworks | Programming ] Apache Tomcat
Description : Apache Tomcat is the servlet container that is used in the official Reference Implementation for the Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages technologies.
Added on : 10 February 2006 23:18:55 +00:00
[ Java | Frameworks | Programming ] Apache Struts
Description : The goal of the Apache Struts project is to encourage application architectures based on the "Model 2" approach, a variation of the classic Model-View-Controller (MVC) design paradigm. Under Model 2, a servlet (or equivalent) manages business logic execution, and presentation logic resides mainly in server pages.
Added on : 10 February 2006 23:18:03 +00:00
[ Miscellaneous | Version Control | Programming ] Apache Maven
Description : Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. Based on the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage a project's build, reporting and documentation from a central piece of information
Added on : 10 February 2006 23:15:30 +00:00
[ Java | Frameworks | Programming ] Apache Lucene
Description : The Apache Lucene project develops open-source search software
Added on : 10 February 2006 23:14:16 +00:00
[ Miscellaneous | Development Techniques | Programming ] Logging Services Project @ Apache
Description : The log4j developers are pleased to announce that the Board of Directors of the Apache Software Foundation unanimously passed a resolution for the creation of the Apache Logging Services project.
Added on : 10 February 2006 23:12:53 +00:00
[ Miscellaneous | Python | Programming ] Apache Gump
Description : Gump is Apache's continuous integration tool. It is written in python and fully supports Apache Ant, Apache Maven and other build tools
Added on : 10 February 2006 23:09:32 +00:00
[ Java | Frameworks | Programming ] Excalibur
Description : Excalibur is an open source software project of The Apache Software Foundation. Our primary product is a lightweight, embeddable Inversion of Control container named Fortress that is written in java.
Added on : 10 February 2006 23:07:37 +00:00
[ Miscellaneous | Java | Programming ] Apache Ant
Description : Apache Ant is a Java-based build tool. In theory, it is kind of like Make, but without Make's wrinkles.
Added on : 10 February 2006 23:04:44 +00:00
[ Java | Frameworks | Programming ] JSP Taglibs
Description : This project is an open-source repository for JSP custom tag libraries and associated projects, such as TagLibraryValidator classes and extensions to page-creation tools to support tag libraries
Added on : 10 February 2006 23:03:19 +00:00
[ Java | Frameworks | Programming ] Jakarta Slide
Description : Slide is a content repository which can serve as a basis for a content management system / framework and other purposes.
Added on : 10 February 2006 23:02:18 +00:00
[ Java | Frameworks | Programming ] Jakarta Regexp
Description : Jakarta Regexp is a 100% Pure Java Regular Expression package that was graciously donated to the Apache Software Foundation by Jonathan Locke
Added on : 10 February 2006 23:01:24 +00:00
[ Java | Frameworks | Programming ] Jakarta POI
Description : The POI project consists of APIs for manipulating various file formats based upon Microsoft's OLE 2 Compound Document format using pure Java.
Added on : 10 February 2006 23:00:23 +00:00
[ Java | Frameworks | Programming ] Jakarta-ORO
Description : The Jakarta-ORO Java classes are a set of text-processing Java classes that provide Perl5 compatible regular expressions, AWK-like regular expressions, glob expressions, and utility classes for performing substitutions, splits, filtering filenames, etc.
Added on : 10 February 2006 22:59:15 +00:00
[ Java | Frameworks | Programming ] Java Caching System
Description : JCS is a distributed caching system written in java. It is intended to speed up applications by providing a means to manage cached data of various dynamic natures. Like any caching system, the JCS is most useful for high read, low put applications.
Added on : 10 February 2006 22:56:54 +00:00
[ Java | Frameworks | Programming ] Element Construction Set
Description : The Element Construction Set is a Java API for generating elements for various markup languages it directly supports HTML 4.0 and XML, but can easily be extended to create tags for any markup language.
Added on : 10 February 2006 22:55:34 +00:00
[ Java | Frameworks | Programming ] Cactus
Description : Cactus is a simple test framework for unit testing server-side java code (Servlets, EJBs, Tag Libs, Filters, ...).
Added on : 10 February 2006 22:54:23 +00:00
[ Java | Frameworks | Programming ] Bean Scripting Framework
Description : Bean Scripting Framework (BSF) is a set of Java classes which provides scripting language support within Java applications, and access to Java objects and methods from scripting languages
Added on : 10 February 2006 22:53:30 +00:00

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