In a couple of ways this article represents a return to my past: both to C++ and to the "Chaos Theory" theme. For the last couple of years my professional interest has been diverted from C++ to other areas (specifically to Java, J2EE and development methods). As a result I've accumulated a backlog of C++ related material waiting to be read. In particular, I've finally found time to read "Modern C++ Design" which demonstrates the ability to use the language to do things at compile time. Other books (like "Generative Programming") that I've read during my diversion have also used these ideas and there are libraries (boost has a fine example) to support these uses. But I wanted to do more than read and admire these novel ideas. I wanted to try them out - but I was in search of a problem.
The problem I chose is one that I wrote about once before - in the "first" article in a series of articles on "Chaos Theory".This was a long time ago, I can't remember why but the rest of the series never materialised (in fact I can't find a copy of thefirst article either - but I think it was published in C Vu about ten years ago.)
Chaos theory is a branch of mathematics that was developed in the nineteenth century by Poincaré in an attempt to solve the problem "Is the Solar System stable?" Although he failed to solve the problem he made a sufficient dent to be awarded a significant prize for this work. Towards the end of the last millennium work on the stability of mathematical systems grew in importance with theincreasing use of computers to do numerical modelling.
The types of mathematical model to which chaos theory applies are those that develop over time and whose current state dependsupon the past. It gets interesting when this change is complicated enough that exact solution is infeasible and numerical modelling is the only approach to getting results. What the mathematicians showed was that even when it isn't possible to write down an exact description of the evolution of the model it is still possible to make useful predictions about the type of behaviour.
This sounded fun, so I decided to try it for myself and started writing a series of articles for C Vu. At least I think I did - I never wrote the second article and I can't find the first! The first article introduced an easy to understand non-linear system and demonstrated the application of these predictions. The system in question takes a pair of numbers and generates a new pair of numbers - and what chaos theory predicts is that one of three things will happen:
There is an infinite non-repeating sequence of number pairs.
Eventually the sequence of number pairs settles into a limited range of values - an "attractor".
From some point in the sequence all the number pairs have the same value. (This is really a special case of 2)
(In the particular system I'm writing about the first of these is extremely implausible and it turns out that case 3 is what happens.) My thoughts turned to finding these fixed values at compile time.
/* "This sentence has eight vowels and twenty consonants" The above sentence is false because the numbers eight and twenty are arbitary (and wrong). But we can create a sequence of number pairs (Vn, Cn) by substituting the numbers into a sentence of this form and counting the vowels and consonants to get the next pair of numbers. Continuing to substitute these values back into the sentence then one of three things must happen: 1/ The series of pairs (Vn, Cn) diverges 2/ The series of pairs (Vn, Cn) loops though a sequence of values 3/ The series of pairs (Vn, Cn) converges to constant values The following program executes this algorithm *at compile time* to find values of (Vn, Cn) which make the sentence true and outputs the result. */ #include <string> #include <iostream> namespace { /* The first issue to address is that it isn't possible to count vowels or consonants in a string at compile time. Compile time processing is limited to creating types and constant integral expressions. There are two approaches to this that occur to me: create a type for each character and represent a sentence as a typelist or break the sentence into subsentences representing the fixed and variable portions and represent these as types. While the former is clearly a lot more general it involves more work and it is the latter approach to the problem that I adopted. So for the variable parts I have: */ template<int count> struct number_as_subsentence; /* OK, we'll have to define some specialisations for this before we can use it, but this is a useful placeholder for the full sentence template. */ template<int vowels, int consonants> struct sentence { enum { no_of_vowels = 11 + number_as_subsentence<vowels>::no_of_vowels + number_as_subsentence<consonants>::no_of_vowels, no_of_consonants = 23 + number_as_subsentence<vowels>::no_of_consonants + number_as_subsentence<consonants>::no_of_consonants, is_true = no_of_vowels == vowels && no_of_consonants == consonants }; static std::string as_string() { static const std::string beginning("This sentence has "); static const std::string middle(" vowels and "); static const std::string end(" consonants!"); return beginning + number_as_subsentence<vowels>::as_string() + middle + number_as_subsentence<consonants>::as_string() + end; } }; /* This template provides a compile time mechanism to take a number of vowels and a number of consonants and determine the effect of placing them into our template for a sentence. It will also construct the corresponding sentence for us. What's next? In the original program there was a loop to keep trying the sequence of sentences until we find one that is true. But that is another thing that we cannot do at compile time: we can't do iteration, we have to rework the algorithm as recursion: */ template<int vowels, int consonants, bool finished = false> struct calculate_sentence : private sentence<vowels, consonants> { typedef typename calculate_sentence< calculate_sentence::no_of_vowels, calculate_sentence::no_of_consonants, calculate_sentence::is_true>::result result; }; /* This keeps trying new sentences all right, but we need to end the recursion (which is what the third parameter is for). Interestingly one cannot use a "metaprogramming if_" (like that in the boost library) here because both the true and false conditions get instantiated. With the current approach we just need a specialisation of calculate_sentence as follows: */ template<int vowels, int consonants> struct calculate_sentence<vowels, consonants, true> { typedef sentence<vowels, consonants> result; }; /* That is really all the interesting bits of the program done. The templates for describing the numbers are tediously repetitive - but there is a useful preprocessor to handle that: */ #define NUMBER_AS_SUBSENTENCE(number,\ text, vowels, consonants)\ template<>\ struct number_as_subsentence<number> {\ static std::string as_string() {\ return text;\ }\ \ enum {\ no_of_vowels = vowels,\ no_of_consonants = consonants\ };\ } NUMBER_AS_SUBSENTENCE(0,"zero",2,2); NUMBER_AS_SUBSENTENCE(1,"one",2,1); NUMBER_AS_SUBSENTENCE(2,"two",1,2); NUMBER_AS_SUBSENTENCE(3,"three",2,3); ... NUMBER_AS_SUBSENTENCE(48,"forty eight",3,7); NUMBER_AS_SUBSENTENCE(49,"forty nine",3,6); NUMBER_AS_SUBSENTENCE(50,"fifty",1,4); #undef NUMBER_AS_SUBSENTENCE } /* To run the program we only need instantiate the template and output the result... */ int main() { std::cout << calculate_sentence<8, 20> ::result::as_string() << std::endl; }
The full program is available on my website at:
Programming Topics + Overload Journal #57 - Oct 2003
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