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pinEditor's Ramble

Journal Editorial + Overload Journal #1 - Apr 1993   Author: Mike Toms

After all the work of writing and reviewing the arti­cles, the first time they were brought together in magazine format, all I got from the reviewers were comments like" You can't just launch into an article" and "Where are the lighter articles?". Not having the faintest idea of what to put in an editorial, I was advised that I should ramble on for a page or so, and then say "Hope you enjoy the magazine" and "lets have some letters from you". So here goes.

A SIG is born

The Turbo C++ SIG has been formed because of my inability to find a user group specific enough to cater for my needs. When I originally looked around for a user group to join, their appeared to be two candidates: ECUG and CUG(UK). After an ad­mittedly brief investigation into both groups, I re­jected joining either on the grounds that ECUG seemed expensive and CUG(UK) was too general.

I wondered what other people with my tastes in pro­gramming (i.e. 00 C++) do under these circum­stances. People I talked to at work seemed to like the idea of a user group dealing with only Turbo/Borland C++. Steve Cameron, the chair of the DBase User Group, gave me plenty of good ad­vice and help in getting the idea together. I man­aged to get a group of enthusiastic friends together to form a committee to start up a user group, even­tually deciding on the name UK TURBO C++ USER GROUP. Yes, I know that's original, but it at least would leave members in no doubt as to what we were about.

Steve Cameron put us in touch with the user group coordinator at Borland. Sadly, at this point Borland International wielded the axe upon 15% of its staff worldwide, and one of those to go was the user group coordinator! A new meeting was set up and the magazine structure was formalised by the com­mittee and a name for the magazine was sought. This was probably the single most difficult task. After going through names such as 'Cout', 'Os-tream', 'Xstream' etc we eventually decided on 'Overload'.

The chair of the as-yet-unborn user group met with representatives of Borland in order to gain approv­al for the UG. Borland were enthusiastic, but asked us to consider being a SIG under the CUG(UK). It was agreed that we would meet and talk with Fran­cis Glassborow of CUG(UK).

The meeting went well, and I left impressed with Francis and what the CUG(UK) had to offer, and was pleased with the improvements in CVu made under Francis's editorship. The committee held a meeting and I proposed that we form a SIG rather than the independent user group. After some dis­cussion and a few pints at my local, the proposal was carried.

So here we are! Edition one of Overload. We don't know what the composition of our membership will be apart from that they will be C++ programmers or C programmers with an interest in C++. Much of the original idea of what to present in the magazine originated as a result of a statement by Mike Bana-han, chair of ECUG, in his C++ column of .EXE, that although many people have the C++ compiler, very few are using the 00 additions. As a result the main initial thrust of our magazine is biased to tuto­rials, to assist C programmers with the conversion to C++ and the paradigm shift required.

What are your opinions on this approach? I want to know what you want to see in your magazine. I am also interested to hear from you, about your hob­bies and interests (computing-related); others may have programs that are of interest to you.

If you have any suggestions for articles, or are in­terested in writing, or you want to get involved with the magazine, please contact me. Oh, and before I forget, "Hope you enjoy the magazine" and "lets have some letters from you".

Journal Editorial + Overload Journal #1 - Apr 1993