Separating a class's interface from its implementation is fundamental to good quality object oriented software design/programming. However C++ (when compared to, say, Java) provides no indigenous mechanism for expressing such a separation. Therefore, a number of idioms supporting this separation have evolved in C++ practice, and was the subject of an article in Overload 66 I co-authored with Alan Griffiths [Radford-Griffiths]. The idioms covered in that article do not just cover object oriented programming, but other approaches (such as value based programming) as well.
For object oriented programming, the principle mechanism of separation is the Interface Class. An Interface Class contains only a virtual destructor and pure virtual functions, thus providing a construct analogous to the interface constructs of other languages (e.g. Java). I discussed Interface Classes in C++ Interface Classes: An Introduction [Radford:1] and explored an example of their application and usefulness in C++ Interface Classes: Noise Reduction [Radford:2] (published in Overloads 62 and 68 respectively).
In this article I would like to discuss the role played by Interface Classes in strengthening encapsulation. In doing so, I hope to extend the discussion to use unit testing as an example of how Interface Classes underpin encapsulation (while taking a swipe at the Singleton design pattern [Gamma et al, 2005] in the process).
A motivating example
Consider a GUI based drawing program, where the user manipulates shapes - such as lines and circular/elliptical arcs - within a window. It is an old chestnut that serves well as a motivating example.
First, we have a class hierarchy for the shapes. This will be headed up by an Interface Class called (guess what) shape - see Listing 1.
class shape { public: virtual ~shape(); virtual void move_x(distance x) = 0; virtual void move_y(distance y) = 0; virtual void rotate(angle rotation) = 0; ... } |
Listing 1 |
Second, the shapes are stored in a drawing, let's represent this programmatically with an Interface Class called drawing - see Listing 2.
class drawing { public: virtual ~drawing(); virtual void save(repository& r) const = 0; ... }; |
Listing 2 |
Please take note of the drawing::save(repository& r) member function - specifically, its repository& parameter. This means we need a definition for repository, as shown in Listing 3.
class repository { public: virtual ~repository(); virtual void save(const shape* s) = 0; ... }; |
Listing 3 |
The repository class is a programmatic representation of the repository where drawings are kept when not in memory, i.e. the storage (e.g. a database).
Having introduced the participants in this example, it is time to move on. Before I do though, there are a couple of things I would like to point out:
Repository as a singleton
Presumably there will only be one instance of repository needed by the drawing program, and in this example, I am assuming this is the case. Therefore, it seems reasonable (or does it? - but I'm coming to that) to apply the Singleton design pattern - i.e. to make it such that:
- There can be only one instance of repository in the program
- The one instance is globally accessible wherever it is needed
There are many ways to implement Singleton, but the one used in Listing 4 to implement repository is quite a common one.
class repository { public: static repository& instance() { static repository inst; return inst; } void save(const shape* s); ... }; |
Listing 4 |
Now for the part played in this article by unit testing - it is time to write a (single) unit test for the drawing::save member function. I'm going to assume we have a drawing instance that contains five shapes. The unit test I want to write saves a drawing object in the repository, and then verifies that the number of shapes actually saved is equal to five:
void unit_test(const drawing& d) {; ... }
As you may have noticed, there is no such test in the above function. This is because it suddenly becomes apparent that some work needs to be done. For this test, what I need is a repository implementation that can count shapes.
With the Singleton approach to repository's implementation, there are (at least) the following associated issues:
- In order to use repository implementations specialised for unit tests, it is necessary to link in a specialised test version of repository.
- As repository is - and with this approach, must be - hard coded in the test by name, it is not possible to have more than one repository implementation to test different things. Therefore, one test version of repository must support all tests, and must be modified when a new test is added.
- As a result of one test repository implementation supporting all tests, it is more difficult to test specific pieces of code. That is, implementing unit tests becomes more difficult.
The above issues are a direct result of accessing the repository in a global context - that is, a consequence of bypassing unit_test's programmatic interface.
This approach can be made to work. However, at this point, I'm suggesting there is a simpler method.
Using mock object
Let's put repository back the way it was when first introduced:
class repository { public: virtual ~repository(); virtual void save(const shape* s) = 0; ... };
It is now, once again, an Interface Class, and this means different implementations are possible. The unit test under discussion requires a repository implementation that can count shapes stored in it - see Listing 5.
class counting_repository : public repository { public: counting_repository() : count(0) {} virtual void save(const shape* s) { ++count; } unsigned int num_saved() const { return count; } ... private: unsigned int count; }; |
Listing 5 |
There you have it: counting_repository::save does not (in this particular test implementation) actually save anything, it just increments a counter. This approach is known as Mock Object (sometimes known as Mock Implementation). It's time to take stock of how the unit test now looks:
void unit_test(const drawing& d) { counting_repository counter;; assert(counter.num_saved() == 5); }
Note that because counting_repository is specific to this particular unit test, it can be defined within the unit test's code (e.g. within the same source file as the unit_test function). As a (pleasant) consequence, there is no need to link in any external code, and the unit test assumes full control over the test to be performed.
The approach of using Mock Object with unit_test is an example of a pattern known as Parametrise From Above. One perspective on Parametrise From Above is that it is the "alter-ego" of Singleton (and other approaches involving globally accessible objects). Singleton is a dysfunctional pattern - one that transforms the design context for the worse, rather than for the better. Parametrise From Above is a pattern that is "out there", but for which (to the best of my knowledge) there is (so far) no formal write up.
Encapsulation is fundamental to object oriented design - and Interface Class is an idiom that can underpin the strengthening of encapsulation. The Mock Implementation of repository is possible because repository is an Interface Class. Observe how unit_test can use different repository implementations, without unit_test's implementation being affected.
[Gamma et al, 1995] Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson and John Vlissides, Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software, Addison-Wesley, 1995.
[Radford/Griffiths] Mark Radford and Alan Griffiths, Separating Interface and Implementation in C++, Overload 66 (
[Radford:1] Mark Radford, C++ Interface Classes - An Introduction, Overload 62 (
[Radford:2] Mark Radford, C++ Interface Classes - Noise Reduction, Overload 68 (
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