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Title: BerserkKiller48246
Author: Alan Lenton
Date: 05 June 2007 05:57:44 +01:00 or Tue, 05 June 2007 05:57:44 +01:00
Summary: Google v online gamers, round 1
Body: There's much ado about Google's new plans to start covertly monitoring the activities of online gamers. The idea is to use the results to draw up psychological profiles of the gamers so that they can be targeted with in-game ads!
Of course, being of a somewhat paranoid disposition, I have visions of the data being subpoenaed by the law enforcement authorities and used to bang up people with killer avatars on the grounds that they are potential mass murderers.
"Alan John Lenton, you being the owner of the avatar 'BerserkKiller48246', have admitted to slaughtering 428 orcs, 113 dwarves, 11 trolls, 7 celtic elf princesses, 2 bronze dragons, and a half-elf ranger in a 24 hour killing spree. I have no option therefore but to make an order detaining you indefinitely as a potential menace to society. And may Google have mercy on your soul."
Actually, you know what I think is going to happen? I think all concerned are about to get a nasty surprise for two reasons. First, though online games have large user bases, actually only a very small fraction of the that user base plays regularly. So the number of people seeing adverts is very small. Second, the heavy players who will see the ads, don't have time for shopping - and frequently don't have the money, either, because they spend it all online!,,2078061,00.html
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