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PIC Your Personal Introductory Course
John Morton
Chris Hills
embedded systems; internals and hardware
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If you are interested in PIC buy this book before Newnes realise that they are only charging£12.99 ($18-00).

Hidden in one of the appendices is the author's email address (and other PIC contacts) along with a rather confusing order form for the PCB's for the projects in the book. (From a UK source). Also in the appendices is the URL for the author's web site for all things PIC and other links. I expect if you ask nicely the author will even email the source to save you copy typing. (If he has any sense he will put the entire source on the web.)

The text assumes very little but goes a long way. Simple projects are used to illustrate the development process. I.e. analyse the problem before you decide which PIC to use. Obvious? Yes, but it is amazing how many people (including "professionals") design everything round their favourite CPU! There some simple exercises in each chapter to illustrate points with the answers somewhat hidden at the back. There are also worked examples. Very useful is the list "If all else fails. Read this!" of common mistakes that the author has made (and of course you never would).

One of the nice touches is that all the schematics have all the component values on. These ARE working circuits not just theory. It also means they can be built on Vero and people do not have to buy the PCB.

Students and hobbyists have a gift in this book! At this price I would not be surprised if Microchip start giving it away to students instead of the standard data CD! At least with this book people are likely to buy and use PIC's. Highly recommended for students and hobbyists.