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The ACCU passes on review copies of computer books to its members for them to review. The result is a large, high quality collection of book reviews by programmers, for programmers. Currently there are 1949 reviews in the database and more every month.
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Software Blueprints
David Robertson&Jaume Agusti
0 201 39819 2
Roger N Lever
engineering; logic; modelling languages
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The complete title is actually much more descriptive of this book's content than 'Software Blueprints'. The content is squarely aimed at Software Engineers who wish to tackle the problems of conceptual modelling, or models of problems. The authors point out that these models are not specifications of solutions.

Within this scope the authors present the requirements of conceptual models (idealised, germane, precise, arguable, traceable, communicable and methodical) and the lightweight use of formality applied to the problem being modelled. For example the requirements analysis of a bank loan approval problem is modelled and expressed using logic. This model is validated, verified and tested for consistency. The authors then further develop their theme of using logic as a modelling language, communication tool, linking formal languages to domains, the impact on design processes, temporal reasoning, syntax, semantics and pragmatics.

Although the material is presented clearly and logically it is not easy going for those without an understanding of logic. Developers generally will not be interested in this book as it does not appear to be immediately practical. However, that said, it does present some interesting ideas such as those related to uncertainty and decidability and the issues that are being tackled are common throughout the software industry. Those who will appreciate this book the most are connected with business analysis and have a background that includes logic. For those readers there are interesting ideas presented that deserve close examination.