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High Tech Crimes Revealed
Steven Branigan
0 321 21873 6
Francis Glassborow
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I am not going to do much more than draw your attention to this book because it is only indirectly of interest to readers of C Vu.

There is an element of the autobiographical in that the contents rely heavily on the author's direct experience. The author covers his (largely US based) experience with a range of IT based crime over the last decade. It makes disturbing reading in places because frequently detection depended on chance, or an exceptional level of curiosity from one of the participants.

The book starts with a chapter about an incursion on a telecom company's computers circa 1995 and then documents various other computer based crimes before concluding with a number of chapters on what not to do and what the experience of the last ten years has taught the author (and hopefully, at least a few of the law-enforcement agencies).

If you want a clearer understanding of what is behind some of the headline stories, or you are curious as to what happened after the story faded out from the public consciousness this book is well worth your attention.