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A Functional Alternative to Dependency Injection in C++
Bob Schmidt
03 August 2017 00:43:07 +01:00
Dependency injection allows flexibility. Satprem Pamudurthy showcases a functional alternative in C++.
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Rip It Up and Start Again
Bob Schmidt
05 July 2017 17:58:16 +01:00
Jez Higgins shares a tale of re-implementing a software system.
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Non-Superfluous People: UX Specialists
Martin Moene
06 April 2015 18:35:49 +01:00
User experience specialists are sometimes regarded as superfluous people. Sergey Ignatchenko demonstrates why they can be vital.
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Ruminations on Self Employment and Running a Business
Martin Moene
04 December 2014 19:16:29 +00:00
Being self-employed has pros and cons. Bob Schmidt reviews what he has learnt about running your own business.
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Does Test-Driven Development Harm Clarity?
Martin Moene
05 August 2014 16:05:50 +01:00
Is clarity the key thing to aim for when writing software? Andy Balaam considers if TDD harms clarity and if this matters.
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KISSing SOLID Goodbye
Martin Moene
02 August 2014 19:38:51 +01:00
Can you remember what SOLID stands for? Chris Oldwood distills it down to two easy to remember principles.
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TDD Discussions and Disagreements
Martin Moene
01 August 2014 19:47:09 +01:00
Recently people have been arguing about the benefits and pitfalls if TDD. Seb Rose summarises the differing standpoints and presents his own.
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On the Other Side of the Barricade: Job Interviewer Do’s and Don’ts
Martin Moene
04 December 2013 19:13:21 +00:00
Interviewing is an important skill which is hard to get right. Sergey Ignatchenko gives advice to get you thinking.
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Object-Environment Collision Detection using Onion BSPs
Martin Moene
02 December 2013 19:16:11 +00:00
Previously we considered 3D navigation. Stuart Golodetz demonstrates how to detect collisions using onion binary space partitioning.
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YAGNI-C as a Practical Application of YAGNI
Martin Moene
05 October 2013 20:36:01 +01:00
YAGNI can seem vague. Sergey Ignatchenko offers a more precise definition.
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Has the Singleton Not Suffered Enough
Martin Moene
04 October 2013 22:46:58 +01:00
Singletons are much maligned. Omar Bashir considers why.
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C++ Range and Elevation
Martin Moene
02 October 2013 22:38:59 +01:00
C++ provides many features for higher-level programming, but lacks some common ones present in other languages.
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Executable Documentation Doesn’t Have To Slow You Down
Martin Moene
02 April 2013 19:32:36 +01:00
Comprehensibility of end-to-end scenarios and quick feedback of unit tests are competing goals. Seb Rose introduces Cucumber with tags to meet both needs.
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Software Developer Business Patterns
Martin Moene
01 October 2012 17:17:33 +01:00
Patterns can be applied to business as well as software. Allan Kelly shows us how.
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Moving with the Times
Martin Moene
06 December 2011 20:42:33 +00:00
The ACCU is primarily a way for programmers to communicate. Alan Griffiths looks at its past, and speculates on its future.
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The Guy We’re All Working For
Martin Moene
05 June 2011 20:27:54 +01:00
Developers like to think they’re in control of their products. Sergey Ignatchenko reminds us who’s really in charge.
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Systems Thinking Software Development
Martin Moene
02 June 2011 20:39:31 +01:00
Many processes cause more problems than they solve. Tom Sedge shows how to tailor your own.
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Rise of the Machines
Martin Moene
01 February 2011 20:36:31 +00:00
Sometimes the world really is out to get you. Kevlin Henney identifies some culprits.
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Quality Matters Christmas Intermezzo
31 December 2010 21:33:00 +00:00
Sometimes it's good to reflect. Matthew Wilson considers what he's learnt so far.
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You're Going To Have To Think!
10 October 2010 13:59:00 +01:00
Numerical computing has many pitfalls. Richard Harris starts looking for a silver bullet.