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What's in a Namespace?
Description :

In this article I will visit the mechanics of namespaces and anonymous namespaces and explain how they are used to solve some of the problems associated with linking C++ programs. Then I will move on to explain how they can also be used to provide context.

by Paul Grenyer
Category: [ CVu Journal Vol 16, #6 - Dec 2004 | Programming Topics ]
An Introduction to Objective-C
Description :

Part 3 - An Example Using Foundation

by D. A. Thomas
Category: [ CVu Journal Vol 16, #6 - Dec 2004 | Programming Topics ]
Wx - A Live Port
Description :

This is a collection of notes I have made while porting an application from MFC to wxWidgets. It is intended partly as a tutorial and partly to document some of the roadblocks I met on the way.

by Jonathan Selby
Category: [ CVu Journal Vol 16, #5 - Oct 2004 | Programming Topics ]
Rapid Dialog Design Using Qt
Description :

In this third installment of our series on GUI programming with the Qt C++ toolkit, we're going to show how to design dialog boxes (or "dialogs") using Qt.

by Jasmin Blanchette
Category: [ CVu Journal Vol 16, #5 - Oct 2004 | Programming Topics ]
Introduction to STL (Standard Template Library)
Description :

Since STL is a very large topic to be covered in an article or two, we will focus on the most commonly used generic classes: vector and string.

by Rajanikanth Jammalamadaka
Category: [ CVu Journal Vol 16, #5 - Oct 2004 | Programming Topics ]
An Introduction to Programming with GTK+ and Glade - Part 2
Description :

In this part, I will be showing how to use the Glade application for rapid window creation.

by Roger Leigh
Category: [ CVu Journal Vol 16, #5 - Oct 2004 | Programming Topics ]
Microsoft Visual C++ and Win32 Structured Exception Handling
by Roger Orr
Source : microsoft visual c++, structured exception handling.
Category: [ Overload Journal #63 - Oct 2004 | Programming Topics ]
XML as a Model-View-Controller System for Documents
Description :

In this article I will describe how an MVC approach to the generation of documents can yield the same benefits that are traditionally seen with this approach to software design, and will introduce some XML [XML][Harold-] tools that can support this method. Finally, I will look at some of the alternatives to XML that could achieve the same separation of concerns.

by Matthew Strawbridge
Category: [ CVu Journal Vol 16, #4 - Aug 2004 | Programming Topics ]
Introduction to C# - Part 2
Description :

Welcome to the second in a series of articles introducing the C# programming language. In the previous issue the basics of the language such as variables, methods and classes were covered. In this issue classes are covered in more detail highlighting an important feature called inheritance.

by Mike Bergin
Category: [ CVu Journal Vol 16, #4 - Aug 2004 | Programming Topics ]
Creating Standard GUI Applications
Description :

In this second installment of our series on GUI programming with the Qt C++ toolkit, we're going to see how to create a standard GUI application, with a menu, toolbar, status bar, and a central area.

by Mark Summerfield , Jasmin Blanchette
Category: [ CVu Journal Vol 16, #4 - Aug 2004 | Programming Topics ]
C++ Templates - A Simple Example
Description : p>This article describes the C++ code for performing basic operations on matrices using templates.

by Rajanikanth Jammalamadaka
Category: [ CVu Journal Vol 16, #4 - Aug 2004 | Programming Topics ]
An Introduction to Programming with GTK+ and Glade in ISO C and ISO C++
Description :

This short tutorial is intended as a simple introduction to writing GTK+ applications in C and C++, using the current 2.0/2.2 version of libgtk. It also covers the use of the Glade user interface designer for rapid application development (RAD).

by Roger Leigh
Category: [ CVu Journal Vol 16, #4 - Aug 2004 | Programming Topics ]
An Introduction to Objective-C
Description :

This series of articles aims to introduce the Objective-C programming language to readers of C Vu, who are users of C and C++. I will try to show how the language manages to add object-oriented facilities to the low-level features of C in a way that is radically different from that of C++.

by D. A. Thomas
Category: [ CVu Journal Vol 16, #4 - Aug 2004 | Programming Topics ]
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