Journal Articles

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Journals Topics Journal Columns Title Date
63 - Editorial Editorial: The Buzzword Adoption Pattern? 2004-10-09 16:25:38
165 - Editorial Editorial 2004-10-09 13:16:08
165 - LettersEditor Letters to the Editor 2004-10-08 13:16:08
165 - LettersEditor Letters to the Editor 2004-10-08 13:16:08
165 - LettersEditor Letters to the Editor 2004-10-08 13:16:08
165 - LettersEditor Letters to the Editor 2004-10-08 13:16:08
165 - Francis' Scribbles Francis' Scribbles 2004-10-07 13:16:08
165 - Code Critique Student Code Critique Competition 30 2004-10-06 13:16:08
165 - Professionalism Professionalism in Programming #28 2004-10-04 13:16:08
165 Programming - Wx - A Live Port 2004-10-03 13:16:08
165 Programming - Rapid Dialog Design Using Qt 2004-10-03 13:16:08
165 Programming - Introduction to STL (Standard Template Library) 2004-10-03 13:16:08
165 Programming - An Introduction to Programming with GTK+ and Glade - Part 2 2004-10-03 13:16:07
165 Programming - An Introduction to Objective-C 2004-10-03 13:16:07
63 Programming - The Encapsulate Context Pattern 2004-10-01 16:25:39
63 Programming - Microsoft Visual C++ and Win32 Structured Exception Handling 2004-10-01 16:25:39
63 Programming - Garbage Collection and Object Lifetime 2004-10-01 16:25:39
63 Programming - C++ Lookup Mysteries 2004-10-01 16:25:38
63 Programming - A Mini-project to Decode a Mini-language - Part One 2004-10-01 16:25:38
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