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CVu Journal Vol 31, #3 - July 2019 + Programming Topics
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Title: Who Are You Calling Weak?

Author: Bob Schmidt

Date: 07 July 2019 01:06:16 +01:00 or Sun, 07 July 2019 01:06:16 +01:00

Summary: Spencer Collyer muses on the surprising strength of weak_ptrs.


Management of memory allocated from the heap is one of the fundamental processes in program development. Many programs beyond the simplest toy or test programs will need heap memory to do their work.

Modern programming languages often take the responsibility for handling heap memory away from the programmer, with techniques like garbage collection operating in the background. While this makes life easier in many ways for the programmer, it can make it hard to determine when memory is going to be released, and some GC systems can cause unpredictable slowdowns when the garbage collector runs.

C++ on the other hand exposes heap management to the programmer, giving finer control over when the memory will be allocated and deallocated. The use of raw pointers to allocated memory can lead to well-known problems, with the necessity to take care that allocated memory is released in every possible path through a program, especially in the presence of exceptions. To get around these problems, smart pointer classes have been developed that take control of the ownership of the pointed to memory, so the programmer doesn’t need to worry about it.

In the time before the C++11 standard was released, one of the commonest smart pointer classes in use was the Boost shared_ptr class. This class has been present in Boost since at least the 1.31.0 release (the earliest release for which the Boost website has documentation). Ultimately it formed the basis of the std::shared_ptr class added to the C++11 standard. This article is about the std::shared_ptr class, but in general it also applies if you are still using the Boost version.

How shared_ptr works

This section describes how the shared_ptr objects work under-the-hood. You can skip it if you are already familiar with this.

The primary facility offered by shared_ptrs is that they allow shared ownership of an object. What this means is that you can have multiple pointers to the object, and as long as at least one is pointing to it, it will not be deleted.

In order to offer this shared ownership facility, the shared_ptr class uses a reference count for each object pointed to. Each time a shared_ptr to the object is set, the reference count is incremented. When a shared_ptr goes out of scope, the reference count is decremented. Only when the reference count goes to zero is the referenced object deleted. Also the memory is usually reclaimed, but see later for why this might not happen immediately.

The reference count for an object obviously has to be stored somewhere. Some classes that use reference counting to handle object ownership are intrusive in that they store the reference count within the owned object itself. The shared_ptr class is non-intrusive, which means they don’t need to do that. Instead they use a control block that is allocated separately to the memory allocated for the pointed-to object. Figure 1(a) illustrates this.

Figure 1

The make_shared template

Allocating memory is generally an expensive operation, so allocating two blocks of memory when creating a new object pointed to by a shared_ptr effectively doubles the time to carry out the operation. To avoid this double allocation, the template make_shared can be used. The C++11 standard states that make_shared should perform no more than one memory allocation.

Figure 1(b) illustrates what this would look like in memory. As make_shared has other advantages over using new, such as better exception safety, you would generally prefer to use it.

It is worth being aware of this behaviour of the make_shared template with regards to increasing the size of the block allocated when creating a new object on the heap. For instance, if you are using a memory allocator that uses slab allocation, you need to take account of the size of the control block when working out which slab size the object will use if you use a shared_ptr to point to it.

Examples of shared_ptr memory usage

The following examples illustrate how memory is allocated when creating an object and using a shared_ptr to store the address. The code was compiled on a 64-bit Arch Linux system using GCC 8.3.0.

The file common.ipp (shown in Listing 5) is used in all examples to provide overrides for global new and delete operators so we can log when memory is allocated and deallocated, and the DataHolder class for the objects we create. This is a ‘large’ class so it is too big for any small-object optimization that the implementation of shared_ptr may use.

Creation with operator new

The code in Listing 1 allows us to examine how memory is allocated and dealloacted when creating an object on the heap using new and storing the returned pointer in a shared_ptr.

#include "common.ipp"
#include <memory>
int main()
      std::cout << LINENO 
        << "Creating from pointer\n";
      auto p1 = std::shared_ptr<DataHolder>
        {new DataHolder};
      std::cout << LINENO 
        << "Finished creating from pointer, "
        "use_count=" << p1.use_count() 
        << ", object @ " << std::hex << p1.get()
        << std::dec << "\n";
  std::cout << LINENO << "Exiting program\n";
Listing 1

Sample output from this code is shown in Figure 2.

 1: Creating from pointer
 2: Allocated 84 bytes at address 0x0x55a792b45e88
 3: Constructing DataHolder 1
 4: Allocated 24 bytes at address 0x0x55a792b45ef8
 5: Finished creating from pointer, use_count=1,
    object @ 0x55a792b45e88
 6: Destroying DataHolder 1
 7: Deallocating 84 bytes at address
 8: Deallocating 24 bytes at address
 9: Exiting program
Figure 2

Line 2 is the memory allocation for the DataHolder object, and it is constructed at line 3.

Line 4 is the memory allocation for the shared_ptr control block. As can be seen in line 5, the shared_ptr is pointing to the memory allocated at line 2, i.e. the memory for the object.

The following three lines show the destruction of the DataHolder followed by the deallocation of the memory previously allocated. Note that the memory for the object is deallocated before the memory for the control block.

Line 9 shows that the object destruction and memory deallocation occurs at the end of the inner block, as would be expected by the shared_ptr going out of scope when the inner block ends.

Creation with make_shared

The code in Listing 2 allows us to examine how memory is allocated and dealloacted when creating an object on the heap using make_shared.

#include "common.ipp"
#include <memory>
int main()
    std::cout << LINENO 
      << "Creating with make_shared\n";
    std::shared_ptr<DataHolder> p2 =
    std::cout << LINENO 
      << "Finished creating with make_shared, "
      "use_count=" << p2.use_count() 
      << ", object @ " << std::hex << p2.get() 
      << std::dec << "\n";
  std::cout << LINENO << "Exiting program\n";
Listing 2

Sample output from this code is shown in Figure 3.

 1: Creating with make_shared
 2: Allocated 104 bytes at address
 3: Constructing DataHolder 1
 4: Finished creating with make_shared,
    use_count=1, object @ 0x560de08cbe98
 5: Destroying DataHolder 1
 6: Deallocating 104 bytes at address
 7: Exiting program
Figure 3

Comparing this to Figure 2 shows some obvious differences.

Firstly, there is only one allocation of memory from the heap, at line 2. The memory allocated is not equal to the size of the control block and object block from the previous example because there is some optimization of memory usage occurring.

Secondly, on line 4, you can see that the shared_ptr does not point to the start of the block allocated in line 2, but part way through. This is because the initial bytes of the memory are used by the control block, and the object pointed to starts after the control block.

Finally, line 6 shows there is just one memory deallocation, matching the single memory allocation from line 2, and line 7 shows that the object destruction and memory deallocation occur at the end of the inner block.

Using weak_ptr

The automatic deallocation of the object pointed to when the last reference to it goes out of scope is a major advantage of shared_ptr. However, problems arise if you have two objects which have shared_ptr members and which directly or indirectly reference each other. This is because the shared_ptr members will only be destroyed, and hence decrease the reference count of their pointed-to objects, when the containing object is destroyed. But if object A has a shared_ptr pointing to object B, and object B has a shared_ptr pointing to object A, the reference counts in the respective shared_ptrs will never be decremented to 0, so A and B will never be deleted.

For instance, if you have a data structure representing a graph where the pointers between nodes in the graph are shared_ptrs, as soon as you have a cycle in the graph, the graph objects in the cycle will never be deleted.

One way to get around this problem is to explicitly call reset() on the shared_ptr member. This causes it to no longer point to an object, so breaking the cycle explicitly.

Another way to break the cycle is to use weak_ptr instead of shared_ptr. A weak_ptr provides potential ownership, not actual ownership. What this means is that if the only pointers pointing to an object are weak_ptrs, the object can be deleted.

In order to actually use an object pointed to by a weak_ptr you have to call lock on the pointer to obtain a shared_ptr to the object, and from then you just treat it as normal. If the result of the lock call is a shared_ptr that points to nothing, it means the object pointed to has been destroyed, and cannot be used.

How weak_ptr works

So that the lock call can work, there has to be some bookkeeping data associated with an object that exists as long as there is a weak_ptr that could potentially refer to the object. This bookkeeping data is generally kept in the control block used by the shared_ptr to hold the reference count.

An additional count is held, indicating how many weak_ptrs point to the object. As long as the weak reference count is above zero the control block will not be deleted, even if the pointed-to object is deleted as a result of the normal reference count going to zero.

Effect of weak_ptr on allocated memory

The effect of using weak_ptrs on allocated memory usage can be seen in the following examples.

Creation using operator new

The code in Listing 3 shows how using weak_ptr affects memory used by a shared_ptr created using new.

#include "common.ipp"
#include <memory>
int main()
  std::weak_ptr<DataHolder> wp1;
    std::cout << LINENO 
      << "Creating from pointer\n";
    auto p1 = std::shared_ptr<DataHolder>
      {new DataHolder};
    std::cout << LINENO 
      << "Finished creating from pointer, "
      "use_count=" << p1.use_count() 
      << ", object @ " << std::hex << p1.get() 
      << std::dec << "\n";
    std::cout << LINENO 
      << "Assigning to weak_ptr\n";
    wp1 = p1;
    std::cout << LINENO 
      << "After assigning to weak_ptr, "
      "use_count=" << p1.use_count() << "\n";
  std::cout << LINENO << "Exiting program\n";
Listing 3

Sample output from this code is shown in Figure 4. Compare this to the corresponding output with no weak_ptr given in Listing 2.

 1: Creating from pointer
 2: Allocated 84 bytes at address 0x0x55d7616a7e88
 3: Constructing DataHolder 1
 4: Allocated 24 bytes at address 0x0x55d7616a7ef8
 5: Finished creating from pointer, use_count=1,
    object @ 0x55d7616a7e88
 6: Assigning to weak_ptr
 7: After assigning to weak_ptr, use_count=1
 8: Destroying DataHolder 1
 9: Deallocating 84 bytes at address
10: Exiting program
11: Deallocating 24 bytes at address
Figure 4

Lines 1–5 are identical except for the memory addresses. The only thing of note here is that the initial creation of the weak_ptr does not allocate any memory, because weak_ptrs do not have their own control blocks.

Lines 6 and 7 show the weak_ptr being assigned from the shared_ptr. As expected, the reference count is not updated after the weak_ptr is pointed to the object. Under the hood the weak reference count will have been updated, but the public interface of shared_ptr does not allow access to the weak reference count to confirm this.

The interesting part is lines 8–11. Lines 8 and 9 show that when the inner block is exited, the DataHolder that was created is destroyed and its memory released just as happens in lines 6 and 7 in Listing 2. But for the control block, if you compare lines 10 and 11 to Listing 2 lines 8 and 9, you will see that it is not deallocated when we exit the inner block. This is because the weak reference count is not zero as the weak_ptr is still referencing it. Only when the program exits and the weak_ptr is destroyed, setting the weak reference count to zero, is the control block destroyed.

Creation using make_shared

The code in Listing 4 shows how using weak_ptr affects memory used by a shared_ptr created using make_shared.

#include "common.ipp"
#include <memory>
int main()
  std::weak_ptr<DataHolder> wp2;
    std::cout << LINENO 
      << "Creating with make_shared\n";
    std::shared_ptr<DataHolder> p2 
      = std::make_shared<DataHolder>();
    std::cout << LINENO 
      << "Finished creating with make_shared, "
      "use_count=" << p2.use_count() 
      << ", object @ " << std::hex << p2.get() 
      << std::dec << "\n";
    std::cout << LINENO 
      << "Assigning to weak_ptr\n";
    wp2 = p2;
    std::cout << LINENO 
      << "After assigning to weak_ptr, "
      "use_count=" << p2.use_count() << "\n";
  std::cout << LINENO << "Exiting program\n";
Listing 4

Sample output from this code is shown in Figure 5. Compare this to the corresponding output with no weak_ptr given in Figure 3.

 1: Creating with make_shared
 2: Allocated 104 bytes at address
 3: Constructing DataHolder 1
 4: Finished creating with make_shared,
    use_count=1, object @ 0x562fb038fe98
 5: Assigning to weak_ptr
 6: After assigning to weak_ptr, use_count=1
 7: Destroying DataHolder 1
 8: Exiting program
 9: Deallocating 104 bytes at address
Figure 5

Once again, the initial lines 1–4 from the two outputs are identical, and lines 5 and 6 in Figure 5 show that assigning a shared_ptr to a weak_ptr doesn’t affect the use count of the shared_ptr.

The interesting part is again when the shared_ptr goes out of scope at the end of the inner block, leading to the DataHolder being destroyed. As can be seen at line 7, the DataHolder is destroyed when the inner block is exited. Once again the memory allocated is not released until the program exits and the weak_ptr is destroyed, so releasing the control block.

Importantly, note that even though the memory for the referenced object is not needed once the last shared_ptr pointing to it has gone out of scope, it cannot be released until the control block is also destroyed. This is because the allocated memory block cannot be partially released, but only as a complete block.

Conclusion: weak_ptrs are stronger than you might think

As can be seen, weak_ptrFigure 5s are only ‘weak’ in the sense of not preventing an object being destroyed while they still point at its control block. They still prevent some or all of the memory allocated when creating the object from being released until all the weak_ptrs pointing to it have been destroyed.

Whether this is an important consideration when designing your program is obviously dependent on a number of factors.

If you are in an environment with huge amounts of memory, where memory consumption is only a secondary concern, you probably wouldn’t need to worry about it.

If you just use weak_ptrs to hold parts of a logical structure together, such as a graph where you use weak_ptrs to hold some of the links between the nodes, and the whole structure is destroyed in one go, you probably won’t be concerned because all the weak_ptrs will be destroyed at the same time, so no memory will be held onto.

On the other hand, if you are working in a restricted memory environment where you need control over how much memory is allocated at any time, you would need to be aware of how weak_ptrs hold onto memory, even if it is just the control block associated with the objects pointed to, and more so if you use make_shared to create the objects in the first place.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <new>

int lineno=0;
#define LINENO std::setw(2) << ++lineno << ": "

void* operator new(std::size_t sz)
  auto ptr 
    = std::malloc(sz + sizeof(std::size_t));
  std::size_t* iptr 
    = static_cast<std::size_t*>(ptr);
  *iptr = sz;
  ptr = static_cast<void*>(iptr);
  std::cout << LINENO << "Allocated " << sz 
    << " bytes at address 0x" << std::hex << ptr 
    << std::dec << "\n";
  return ptr;
void operator delete(void *ptr) noexcept
  std::size_t* iptr 
    = static_cast<std::size_t*>(ptr);
  std::cout << LINENO << "Deallocating " 
    << *iptr << " bytes at address 0x" 
    << std::hex << ptr << std::dec << "\n";
  ptr = static_cast<void*>(iptr);
struct DataHolder
  : num(++dh)
    std::cout << LINENO 
      << "Constructing DataHolder " 
      << num << "\n";
    std::cout << LINENO 
      << "Destroying DataHolder " << num << "\n";
  int num;
  int i[20];
  static int dh;
int DataHolder::dh=0;
Listing 5

Spencer Collyer Spencer has been programming for more years than he cares to remember. In his younger years, he worked on projects as diverse as monitoring water treatment works and television programme scheduling. For the last 20-odd years, he has mainly worked for banks in the City of London and Canary Wharf.


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