Project Management or CVu Journal Vol 32, #1 - March 2020
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Moving with the Times

Martin Moene

06 December 2011 20:42:33 +00:00

The ACCU is primarily a way for programmers to communicate. Alan Griffiths looks at its past, and speculates on its future.

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The Guy We’re All Working For

Martin Moene

05 June 2011 20:27:54 +01:00

Developers like to think they’re in control of their products. Sergey Ignatchenko reminds us who’s really in charge.

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What motivates software developers: a workshop report


10 October 2010 13:58:00 +01:00

Keeping your team happy should be more than guesswork. Helen Sharp went and asked you.

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"I'm a Business Analyst - Get Me Out Of Here"


12 September 2010 20:09:30 +01:00

Some classic roles are omitted by Agile methodologies. Allan Kelly considers how a Business Analyst fits in.

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Renovating a Legacy C++ Project


12 September 2010 20:08:00 +01:00

Over time projects tend to become hard to maintain. Alan Griffiths describes how one was improved.

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Socially Responsible Recruitment


13 June 2010 19:58:00 +01:00

Finding talented people is hard. Ian Bruntlett highlights an under-appreciated source.

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On Management: The Business Analyst's Role


10 June 2009 09:58:00 +01:00

Some management titles are poorly defined. Allan Kelly disentangles a knotty one.

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Software Development in the 21st Century


06 May 2009 09:59:00 +01:00

What's the future of software development? Alan Griffiths and Marc Allan have a timely look at recent experiences.

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On Management: Product Managers


06 May 2009 09:55:00 +01:00

Product Management is a poorly understood activity. Allan Kelly sheds some light on its mysteries.

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WRESTLE: Aggressive and Unprincipled Agile Development in the Small


06 May 2009 09:53:00 +01:00

Agile development is all the rage. Teedy Deigh introduces a popular variant.

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On Management: Caveat Emptor


16 February 2009 08:56:00 +00:00

There are many theories and practices of management. Allan Kelly offers some warnings.

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On Management: Understanding Who Creates Software


23 December 2008 08:57:00 +00:00

Software development organizations vary greatly. Allan Kelly considers what this means for managers.

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On Management: Focus, Quality, Time-boxes and Ducks


26 October 2008 08:57:00 +00:00

Project success depends on organisation. Allan Kelly looks at how to keep things in order.

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Performitis (Part 3)


26 October 2008 08:55:00 +00:00

Prevention is better than cure. Klaus Marquardt suggests some treatments to avoid problems.

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On Management


17 August 2008 09:54:00 +01:00

Management is a vital part of software development. Allan Kelly starts a new series by balancing some constraints.

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Quality Manifesto


08 June 2008 16:56:00 +01:00

Software quality is a systems engineering job. Tom Gilb explains the importance of knowing where we're going.

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Creating Awareness


08 December 2007 11:55:00 +00:00

One of the good things about presenting at the ACCU conference is what you learn there. Allan Kelly reviews the results of his last conference talk.

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Managing Technical Debt


31 January 2007 08:55:00 +00:00

Software projects often cut corners in the rush to meet deadlines, resulting in bad code. Tom Brazier helps us to budget the cost of "doing it wrong".

[ Development Techniques | Management ] Effective Software Testing
Description : Home page for the book of the same name,
Added on : 11 February 2006 22:34:33 +00:00 | Rate / Comment
[ News and Views | Development Techniques | Management ] Atlantic Systems Guild
Description : The Atlantic Systems Guild is a consulting organization specializing in the complex processes of system building, with particular emphasis on the human dimension.
Added on : 11 February 2006 22:28:46 +00:00 | Rate / Comment

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