Programming Topics or Overload Journal #154 - December 2019
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Jumping around in Emacs

Bob Schmidt

05 September 2020 18:20:56 +01:00

Silas S. Brown shares a tip for navigating code.

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The Global Lockdown of Locks

Bob Schmidt

01 August 2020 18:08:13 +01:00

Locks can be replaced with tasks. Lucian Radu Teodorescu shows us how.

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C++20: A Simple Math Module

Bob Schmidt

01 August 2020 17:59:51 +01:00

Modules are one big change introduced by C++20. Rainer Grimm describes how to build a mathematics module.

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Agile Manchester 2020: Testers Edition

Bob Schmidt

01 August 2020 17:48:41 +01:00

Many tech conferences are still going ahead online. Jit Gosai reports on Agile Manchester from a tester’s perspective.

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Static Analysis in GCC and Clang

Bob Schmidt

05 July 2020 17:27:42 +01:00

Silas S. Brown shares some experiences of analysing code.

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Comment Only What The Code Cannot Say

Bob Schmidt

01 June 2020 21:25:37 +01:00

Comments can help or hinder. Kevlin Henney assesses when to avoid them.

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Some Objects Are More Equal Than Others

Bob Schmidt

01 June 2020 19:09:00 +01:00

Comparing objects is a fundamental operation. Steve Love and Roger Orr consider different language approaches.

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Bob Schmidt

01 May 2020 17:29:10 +01:00

The latest roundup of reviews.

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Pass the Parcel

Bob Schmidt

07 April 2020 20:39:24 +01:00

Python’s module and package system has many features. Steve Love explores some more advanced ones.

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Using Compile Time Maps for Sorting

Bob Schmidt

04 April 2020 18:51:45 +01:00

Compile time sorting can be interesting. Norman Wilson shows how to sort a map.

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Profiting from the Folly of Others

Bob Schmidt

03 April 2020 21:01:39 +01:00

Code referred to as a hack can raise an eyebrow. Alastair Harrison learns about accessing private members of C++ classes by investigating a header called UninitializedMemoryHacks.h

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Adding Python 3 Compatibility to Python 2 Code

Bob Schmidt

04 March 2020 23:05:11 +00:00

Silas S. Brown explains how to cope with the differences.

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Making a Linux Desktop – Launching Applications

Bob Schmidt

03 March 2020 23:03:18 +00:00

Alan Griffiths continues his series on the Mir desktop.

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Bob Schmidt

02 March 2020 22:05:45 +00:00

The latest roundup of reviews.

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A line-to-line conversion from Node.js to Node.cpp

Bob Schmidt

05 February 2020 18:57:27 +00:00

Dmytro Ivanchykhin, Sergey Ignatchenko and Maxim Blashchuk show how we can get a 5x improvement in speed.

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Quick Modular Calculations(Part 2)

Bob Schmidt

03 February 2020 18:34:25 +00:00

The minverse algorithm previously seen is fast but has limitations. Cassio Neri presents two alternatives.

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Restaurant C++ and Pidgin Python

Bob Schmidt

09 January 2020 18:12:30 +00:00

Pete Goodliffe looks at the idioms of language.

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Python has setdefault

Bob Schmidt

06 January 2020 18:00:30 +00:00

Silas S. Brown shares a quick tip on Python.

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Static C library and GNU Make

Bob Schmidt

05 January 2020 17:28:31 +00:00

Ian Bruntlett shares his experiences with using ‘make’ to build a small test project.

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Bob Schmidt

01 January 2020 20:16:13 +00:00

The latest roundup of reviews.

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