Programming Topics or CVu Journal Vol 30, #2 - May 2018
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Using 32-bit COM Objects from 64-bit Programs

Martin Moene

04 May 2015 17:12:56 +01:00

Roger Orr explains how to cross the platform boundary in COM libraries.

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Raspberry Pi Linux User Mode GPIO in C++ – Part 1

Martin Moene

03 May 2015 17:15:48 +01:00

Ralph McArdell expands the Raspberry Pi with a C++ library.

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Standards Report

Martin Moene

02 May 2015 17:18:48 +01:00

Mark Radford reports the latest from the C++ Standards meetings.

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Code Critique Competition 93

Martin Moene

01 May 2015 17:21:12 +01:00

Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

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Alternatives to Singletons and Global Variables

Martin Moene

05 April 2015 18:53:03 +01:00

Global variables and Singletons are usually considered bad. Bob Schmidt summarises some alternatives.

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Resource Management with Explicit Template Specializations

Martin Moene

04 April 2015 20:04:18 +01:00

RAII is a useful idiom. Pavel Frolov presents a powerful extension using explicit template specialization.

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Variadic and Variable Templates

Martin Moene

03 April 2015 20:08:15 +01:00

C++11 and 14 offer new features for Variadic and Variable templates. Peter Sommerlad showcases the compile-time possibilities they offer.

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iterator_pair – A Simple and Useful Iterator Adapter

Martin Moene

02 April 2015 20:11:25 +01:00

Can you form a new contain from two others? Vladimir Grigoriev reminds us how to write an iterator.

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Seeing the Wood for the Trees

Martin Moene

01 April 2015 20:13:53 +01:00

The outdoors is fabled to be great. Teedy Deigh suggests your code reflects your environment without ever having to look out of the window.

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Using ACCU Membership for Unique IDs

Martin Moene

09 March 2015 20:56:04 +00:00

Silas S. Brown considers the case for identity.

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LAMP on Ubuntu

Martin Moene

08 March 2015 20:58:50 +00:00

Ian Bruntlett shares his notes on setting up a basic web application.

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The Developer’s Sandbox

Martin Moene

07 March 2015 21:01:26 +00:00

Chris Oldwood wants to be in control.

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Simple Android programming with WebKit

Martin Moene

05 March 2015 21:06:26 +00:00

Silas S. Brown shares his trials with developing for mobile devices.

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Raspberry Pi Linux User Mode GPIO in Python

Martin Moene

04 March 2015 21:14:32 +00:00

Ralph McArdell finds stream based input/output to be more convenient.

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Code Critique Competition 92

Martin Moene

02 March 2015 21:16:46 +00:00

Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

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Standards Report

Martin Moene

01 March 2015 21:18:33 +00:00

Mark Radford reports on the latest C++ Standardisation proceedings.

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Best Practices vs Witch Hunts

Martin Moene

07 February 2015 18:28:57 +00:00

Best practices can be a Good Thing. Sergey Ignatchenko considers when they can turn into Really Bad Things.

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Making a Tool of Deception

Martin Moene

06 February 2015 18:27:08 +00:00

Is it possible to use modern C++ to make mocking easy? Björn Fahller introduces Trompeloeil, a header-only mocking framework for C++14.

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Modern C++ Testing

Martin Moene

05 February 2015 18:23:36 +00:00

Various C++ testing framework exist. Phil Nash compares CATCH with the competition.

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I Like Whitespace

Martin Moene

04 February 2015 17:09:46 +00:00

Programming style can cause endless arguments. Bob Schmidt shares why he thinks whitespace matters.

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