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Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xt and user-summary-[publicationtype].xt. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles . The templates will get the extension .xt there.
Floating Point Fun and Frolics
10 June 2009 09:59:00 +01:00
Representing numbers in computers is a non-trivial problem. Frances Buontempo finds using them is hard, too.
Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xt and user-summary-[publicationtype].xt. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles . The templates will get the extension .xt there.
Complexity, Requirement and Modules
10 June 2009 09:57:00 +01:00
Programs can be unnecessarily complex. Rafael Jay examines a technique for doing better.
Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xt and user-summary-[publicationtype].xt. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles . The templates will get the extension .xt there.
An Introduction to FastFormat (Part 3): Solving Real Problems, Quickly
10 June 2009 09:56:00 +01:00
A good library must be useful in practice. Matthew Wilson looks at usability and extendability.
Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xt and user-summary-[publicationtype].xt. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles . The templates will get the extension .xt there.
Boiler Plating Database Resource Cleanup (Part 2)
10 June 2009 09:54:00 +01:00
Timely disposal of resources is important. Paul Grenyer applies this to database access in Java.
Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xt and user-summary-[publicationtype].xt. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles . The templates will get the extension .xt there.
Testing State Machines
06 May 2009 09:58:00 +01:00
State machines are a common design pattern. Matthew Jones seperates their concerns to make testing easier.
Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xt and user-summary-[publicationtype].xt. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles . The templates will get the extension .xt there.
The Model Student: A Rube-ish Square (Part 2)
06 May 2009 09:56:00 +01:00
A rube-ish square embodies some simple group theory. Richard Harris explores its properties.
Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xt and user-summary-[publicationtype].xt. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles . The templates will get the extension .xt there.
An Introduction to FastFormat (Part 2): Custom Argument and Sink Types
06 May 2009 09:54:00 +01:00
A library should be customisable and have good performance. Matthew Wilson shows how to achieve both.
Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xt and user-summary-[publicationtype].xt. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles . The templates will get the extension .xt there.
Through The Looking Glass
16 February 2009 08:58:00 +00:00
What's happening in the next room? Stuart Golodetz has to find the door first!
Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xt and user-summary-[publicationtype].xt. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles . The templates will get the extension .xt there.
Orderly Termination of Programs
16 February 2009 08:57:00 +00:00
Ensuring a clean shutdown is important. Omar Bashir presents some techniques.
Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xt and user-summary-[publicationtype].xt. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles . The templates will get the extension .xt there.
An Introduction to Fast Format (Part 1): The State of the Art
16 February 2009 08:54:00 +00:00
Writing a good library is hard. Matthew Wilson compares some existing formatting libraries, and promises to do better.
Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xt and user-summary-[publicationtype].xt. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles . The templates will get the extension .xt there.
Model View Controller with Java Swing
23 December 2008 08:58:00 +00:00
It's recommended to keep user interface and data model separate. Paul Grenyer looks a common solution.
Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xt and user-summary-[publicationtype].xt. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles . The templates will get the extension .xt there.
The Legion's Revolting!
23 December 2008 08:56:00 +00:00
3D meshes can be too large to deal with efficiently. Stuart Golodetz applies some ancient discipline.
Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xt and user-summary-[publicationtype].xt. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles . The templates will get the extension .xt there.
Iterators and Memberspaces
23 December 2008 08:55:00 +00:00
Exposing a compound object's collections can be messy. Roel Vanhout introduces a powerful idiom.
Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xt and user-summary-[publicationtype].xt. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles . The templates will get the extension .xt there.
Generics without Templates - Revisited
23 December 2008 08:54:00 +00:00
Can you use the STL if your compiler lacks templates? Robert Jones implements iterators and alogorithms.
Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xt and user-summary-[publicationtype].xt. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles . The templates will get the extension .xt there.
Seeing Things Differently
26 October 2008 08:59:00 +00:00
The Multiple Material Marching Cubes (M3C) algorithm builds 3D models from 2D slices. Stuart Golodetz introduces it and provides a C++ implementation.
Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xt and user-summary-[publicationtype].xt. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles . The templates will get the extension .xt there.
DynamicAny (Part 2)
26 October 2008 08:58:00 +00:00
Alex Fabijanic uncovers the internals of DynamicAny with some performance and size tests.
Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xt and user-summary-[publicationtype].xt. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles . The templates will get the extension .xt there.
DynamicAny, Part I
17 August 2008 09:59:00 +01:00
Alex Fabijanic presents a class hierarchy providing dynamic typing in standard C++.
Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xt and user-summary-[publicationtype].xt. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles . The templates will get the extension .xt there.
Globals, Singletons and Parameters
17 August 2008 09:57:00 +01:00
One size rarely fits all. Bill Clare considers different approaches to parameterization.
Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xt and user-summary-[publicationtype].xt. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles . The templates will get the extension .xt there.
Exceptions Make for Elegant Code
17 August 2008 09:56:00 +01:00
Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. Anthony Williams compares ways of dealing with errors.
Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xt and user-summary-[publicationtype].xt. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles . The templates will get the extension .xt there.
The Model Student: A Knotty Problem, Part 2
08 June 2008 16:58:00 +01:00
Tying yourself in knots is easy. Richard Harris cuts through the complexity.