Programming Topics and CVu Journal Vol 15, #3 - Jun 2003
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Quick Guide to MinGW (GCC for Windows)


03 August 2003 13:15:58 +01:00

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Learning C++: A Student's Perspective


03 June 2003 13:15:58 +01:00

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Intrusive Identifiers


03 June 2003 13:15:58 +01:00

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Generating Lists for C++ in Python


03 June 2003 13:15:57 +01:00

In this, the second article in my Practical Uses for Python in C++ Series, I explore and provide examples of using Python [python] to generate lists for C++.

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A Python project (2)


03 June 2003 13:15:57 +01:00

This article continues my description of the Python code in a small project designed to help increase one's vocabulary in a foreign language by playing audio samples.