Letters to the Editor + CVu Journal Vol 12, #1 - Jan 2000
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Title: The Wall

Author: Administrator

Date: 08 January 2000 13:15:34 +00:00 or Sat, 08 January 2000 13:15:34 +00:00



Tax Deduction?


A few years ago you mentioned that we had affiliated (if that is the right word) to the British Computer Society.

I finally got round to establishing whether subscriptions to the BCS are tax deductible. They are. What's more, affiliated organisations should also be tax deductible. So, if ACCU relates to your work you should be able to pay for ACCU out of your pre tax income. This is a saving of £5.75(£25 * 0.23) for a basic rate payer and £10 for a higher rate payer. It's not much but once you have written to your tax office it will be coded onto your tax code for every subsequent year.

Why has no-one mentioned it before? Well it could be because I'm wrong but my tax-office, at least, was happy to change my tax-code. Do any of our members work for the Inland Revenue or are tax-accountants? I'd welcome a definitive view.

I hope this merits publication.

Keep up the good work.

David Jepps

Yes we are affiliated to the BCS. Tax is not my area - I just have to pay when I earn enoughL - so I will throw this one open to the rest of you to share your experiences.


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