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Title: Web Sites to Review
Author: Administrator
Date: 03 June 1999 13:15:31 +01:00 or Thu, 03 June 1999 13:15:31 +01:00
I must confess that I am very disappointed by the response to this column in the last issue of C Vu. The World Wide Web is becoming increasingly cluttered with garbage. However like any garbage pile, careful searching turns up valuable items. I do not have the time to evaluate items that look of potential use and must leave that task to the readership. I would hope that as time goes by our web site would accumulate a number of checked links (i.e. ones that have actually been evaluated by one or more members).
Each such link should include at least one brief description or review. There should also be a general injunction to notify the maintainer if a link becomes either invalid or the pointed to site deteriorates.
I will continue to publish sites to check, but in return readers must do their part and provide a brief (no longer than absolutely necessary) review when they check. If we get it right, the result will be another part of our web site that becomes increasingly popular.
Note that contributing to this is one more way members can contribute a little to the work of ACCU.
This is available now, under standard Fermilab Terms and Conditions, by following the SIunits link from:
The version currently available is 0.9; (1.01 became available in February 1999).
Scientific programmers typically make heavy use of a programming language's native numeric data types. This practice, however, obscures the diverse intentions (e.g., distances, masses, energies, momenta, etc.) that any such purely numeric value could represent.
While limitations in programming language expressiveness and compiler technology have historically made such efforts difficult, the SI Library, known as SIunits, provides, in a modern programming language (C++), a convenient means of expressing, computing with, and displaying numeric values with attached units. The fundamental requirements, (1) to apply compile-time type-checking while (2) avoiding time and space overhead at run-time, have been met. Thus, SIunits enables automated (compile-time) checking of the dimensions of the numeric values within a computer program, and so provides the well-known benefits of type-safety to a new category of computing contexts.
In particular, SIunits provides data types corresponding to all the base dimensions specified by le Systeme International d'Unites (SI), the recognized international standard (SI) for describing measurable quantities and their units. SIunits also provides a mechanism to generate additional data types to describe and represent derived dimensions in accordance with SI's provisions. Thus, for example, an object resulting from the product of two Length objects is automatically of type Area. All the base and composite units specified by SI are provided as well, as are forms of the mandated prefixes for describing multiples and sub-multiples of the units. A significant number of additional standard values (any of which may be used as units), are also furnished within the library. As additional features, the library permits user specification, at compile time, of precision, calibration, and models.
The Visualization Toolkit is a free library of C++ classes for 3D data visualization and rendering:
There is a substantial page on the Web that shows all the identifiers and groups of identifiers that are reserved to the implementation and should not be used in any other way by programmers.
While I would be surprised if the first reference below is other than first class you should note that I have not actually checked any of the three. Please do so and report your findings. /C++Idioms/EuroPLoP98.html
Have a look at the Blitz++ library:
More fields may be available via dynamicdata ..