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Title: Other Periodicals
Author: Administrator
Date: 03 June 1999 13:15:31 +01:00 or Thu, 03 June 1999 13:15:31 +01:00
I thought I would use up this small bit of white space with a couple of items about other publications as none of the readers have contributed anything.
This is one of the best value for money CD-ROMs available. C/C++ UJ has always been a good periodical and over recent years has become almost awesome in the quality of many of its contributors. People like Dan Saks and Pete Becker not only have a deep understanding of the technology but a degree of fluency in technical writing that could be held up as an example to others.
This CD-ROM covers all the editorial content of C/C++UJ from January 1990 - June 1998 at a cost of less than a year's subscription. If you do not already have a copy go and order one today. Even if you have a complete collection in hardcopy the CD is probably worth having so that you can carry an easy reference around with you.
For ordering and exact pricing etc. contact Parkway Gordon, Westwood House, Elmhurst Road, Goring-on-Thames, Berkshire RG8 9BN. Tel: 01491 875386, email: and remember to mention the source of your information.
Those that regularly read C Vu will know that I was feeling disappointed with both these periodicals last year. I felt they had lost the cutting edge quality that had been their hallmark. JOOP has improved recently though I still find the number of language specific columns written by enthusiasts (even if highly paid and very knowledgeable) wearisome. For example, Bertrand Meyer is too close to Eiffel to be objective. While I always enjoy the contributions of Andy Koenig and Barbara Moo, I do not think that JOOP is the right place for them, though I guess JOOP sells a lot of copies on the strength of their contributions.
C++ Report seems to have refound its way recently, though I still find the Obfuscated C++ column to bizarre to waste much time on. Here again there is a content problem. I think that the substantial section on Patterns (generally well written and interesting) is out of place. Perhaps this material should be switched to JOOP and the C++ specific material in JOOP moved to C++ Report.
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