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Title: Student Code Critique Competition 31
Author: Administrator
Date: 06 December 2004 13:16:09 +00:00 or Mon, 06 December 2004 13:16:09 +00:00
Prizes provided by Blackwells Bookshops & Addison-Wesley
Please note that participation in this competition is open to all members. The title reflects the fact that the code used is normally provided by a student as part of their course work.
This item is part of the Dialogue section of C Vu, which is intended to designate it as an item where reader interaction is particularly important. Readers' comments and criticisms of published entries are always welcome.
Have you ever come across a tricky bug at work that took you the whole day to find, or an exercise at school that didn't work the way you expected to? Those could be good opportunities not only to share it with other members, but to receive feedback from them. After all, this belongs to the Dialogue section, so who better than you to take part?
Remember that you can get the current problem set on the ACCU website ( This is aimed at people living overseas who get the magazine much later than members in the UK and Europe.
Here is a program Francis collected which is riddled with poor design, naming, etc. as well as the actual problem:
I'm getting a "parse error before else" at the line indicated by the arrow
void IS_IT_A_DDR(string& mtgrec, string& temprec,int& ddrrc) { string Day2="SunMonTueWedThuFriSat"; string Daytoken="0123456"; int badday=0; if (mtgrec.size() < 8) { ddrrc=0; return; } for (int i=0; i <= 6; i++) { if (mtgrec.substr(0,3) == Day2.substr((i+1)*3-3,3)) { if ((mtgrec.substr(3,1) == "0") || (mtgrec.substr(3,1) == "1")) { if ((mtgrec.substr(7,1)). find_first_of("BCLMOPSTW*") != -1) { temprec=Daytoken.substr(i,1) + mtgrec.substr(1); ddrrc=1; return; } else { ddrrc=2; return; } else { <<< compiler diagnostic ddrrc=3; return; } } } else badday++; } if (badday == 7) { ddrrc=4; return; } else ddrrc=5; return; }
From Neil Youngman <>
This piece of code is a bit of a problem. On a first reading it's hard to tell what it's trying to achieve. I can see that there's some sort of date related functionality from the definition of variable Day2, but it really doesn't make it obvious what it's doing with those dates.
First things first, I guess, start with the compiler error and then try to deal with the other issues. This is at some level obvious, i.e. the else is mismatched, but which if statement does it go with?
It looks as if it probably matches
if((mtgrec.substr(3,1) == "0") || (mtgrec.substr(3,1) == "1"))
but with erratic indentation and without any clear idea of intent, that's not really certain.
To go much deeper I need some idea of meaning. The function is called IS_IT_A_DDR. DDR to me is a type of memory, which doesn't help. The parameter names don't offer much of a clue either. The first parameter is called mtgrec. I guess that would be 2 components mtg and rec. mtg could be mortgage or meeting and rec could be record. Given the date related details I would guess that meeting record is the most likely meaning.
The first if statement inside the for loop looks for a 3 letter day of the week at the start, the second for a '0' or a '1' and the 3rd for any of the characters in "BCLMOPSTW*" anywhere from the 8th character on. the value of ddrrc will be set according to which of these it finds. As I seem to be no closer to deducing the purpose of this code, so I guess I'd better consider the many stylistic abominations.
First off naming. As pointed out in the question the naming is poor. I have been unable to determine what the code is intended to achieve. There should of course be comments to assist with maintenance, but there aren't. Even with comments, clear use of names is invaluable in understanding the detail of a program. Here I have neither.
Looking at the function definition ALL_CAPS is a common stylistic convention to denote a macro or a constant. I can't see why it is used here. The choice of names we have already criticised. The first parameter seems to be read only and should therefore be const. The last parameter seems to be a return code, indicating the result of the function. It seems to me that this should be the function's return value instead of the function returning void.
Looking at the variables both Day2 and Daytoken should both be constants and some sort of collection structure, e.g. an array or a vector, seems more appropriate than a string. This makes clear that they are a group of separate, if related values, not a single value. The variable badday seems entirely redundant, as I can't see that it's value can be anything other than 7 if the loop runs to completion. Of course that makes the last else clause entirely redundant.
Next we come to a size check. This is fairly straightforward, but involves a magic number "8". Generally hard coded constants should be declared somewhere central with a name, both to minimise the number of places where you they have to be changed, should a change be needed and to make the code more readable.
That brings us to the values assigned to the variable ddrrc. The 8 in the size check could be related to the code we see, which clearly expects at least 8 characters. The numbers going into ddrrc carry no meaning whatsoever. These should definitely be defined as constants somewhere. I would probably declare an enumeration and make the function return a value of the enumeration type.
There are also some efficiency concerns. The first 3 characters of mtgrec are potentially extracted up to 7 times as we iterate through the loop. The obvious solution to this is to extract them just once, with a statement like
const string mtgDay = mtgrec.substr(0, 3);
but I suspect that this would be missing an opportunity to improve the design further, by introducing a proper structure to be used in place of a string. The string appears to be a collection of structured data and using a string for the data hides that structure. Defining a proper class (or struct) for that data would bring that structure out as well as being more efficient than using string::substr() to extract the components.
The editor's choice is:
Neil Youngman
Please email <> to arrange for your prize.
My first reaction to the student's question is 'Are you surprised that the code has an error?' I would rapidly follow it up with 'If the corrected code passes the compiler, would you trust it?' I think that the only acceptable answer to both these questions is 'no'.
My next question is 'What should you do about it?' I would try to guide the student into 'Redesign the code and factor the separate actions into their own informatively named functions.' If performance becomes an issue after doing that, it is time to consider helping the compiler with the inline keyword.
Most of the reorganisation I want to do is concerned with the implementation so I will move that out into the unnamed namespace.
Before I do any of that, I take strong objection to both the function name (spelt in all uppercase) and the function return type. Any function whose name asks a question should return a bool. However it seems to me that the function does not answer a simple binary question but asks something else for which there answer is a choice of five things. I have no idea what DDR means in this context (I am pretty sure it does not refer to 'Dance Dance Revolution', 'Developers Diversified Reality' nor to some form of SDRAM), nor what the classification stored in an out-parameter (ddrrc) means so I will have to use some placeholders. These placeholders should be replaced with meaningful names. enums are designed to deal with this kind of issue. As the enumeration constants need to be available in multiple translation units, it needs to be declared in a header file. Let me start with that:
#ifndef DDR_DECLARATIONS_H #define DDR_DECLARATIONS_H #include <string> enum ddr_classification{ ok, too_short, bad_day, bad_flag, bad_symbol, err5 }; ddr_classification classify( std::string const & mtgrec, std::string & outrec); inline void IS_IT_A_DDR(std::string const & mtrec, std::string & temprec, int & ddrrc) { ddrrc = classify(mtrec, temprec)+1; } #endif
I have provided a simple forwarding function to provide temporary support for the ill-named function so that no immediate changes need to be made to code elsewhere. I would expect that to be rapidly replaced. I have made ok take a zero value so that in future it will be possible to use the return value of classify() for a rapid check of validity. Note that I use fully qualified names in the header file and that I have added a const qualifier to the first parameter.
There is also the question of those two string variables; they aren't variable nor are the local (though they could be static). Such items belong in the associated unnamed namespace.
Here is the start for the implementation file:
#include "ddr_declarations.h" using std::string; namespace { string const daynames[] = {"Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"}; char * const daynumber = "0123456"; char * const symbols = "BCLMOPSTW*"; }
I would favour a better name for symbols but without knowing the context that is the best I can do. Now let me try to write a halfway sensible definition for classify().
ddr_classification classify( std::string const & mtgrec, std::string & outrec){ if(mtgrec.size() < 8) return too_short; int daynum(dayname_to_int(mtgetrec)); if(daynum > 6) return bad_day; if(not valid_flag(mtgrec.substr(3, 1))) return bad_flag; if(valid_symbol(mtgrec.substr(7, 1))){ outrec = daynumber[daynum] + mtgrec.substr(1); return ok; } else return bad_symbol; }
Now notice that if the original code's for-loop ever exited that the student's badday variable must be equal to 7. There just isn't any other way through that nest of if's. That was far from obvious in the original. Separating out the various conditions and only continuing if everything is still checking out leads to much clearer code. It also much better models the way would handle the problem ourselves. First check that the first three characters represent an abbreviation for a day, next check that the fourth symbol is acceptable then check that the eighth one is OK. Human beings might only notice that there were too few symbols at that last stage, though it is easier to check it first from a program perspective.
Now let me go back and add the requisite helper functions (which will go in the unnamed namespace).
int dayname_to_int(string const & mtgetrec){ for(int i(0); i != 7; ++i){ if(mtgrec.substr(0, 3) == daynames[i]{ return i; } } return 7; }
Yes, I know there is a magic number lurking in there, but I am running short of time if David is to get this in time to use it.
bool valid_flag(char flag){ if(flag == '0') return true; if(flag == '1') return true; return false; } bool valid_symbol(char symbol){ for(int i(0); i != strlen(symbols); ++i){ if(symbol == symbols[i]) return true; } return false; }
Now I think that this code represents the intention of that provided by the student. It would have been much easier had the student specified what the code was intended to do. Notice that the coding error was a direct consequence of an inappropriate view of how to code the problem. The student was willing to use all kinds of tools he had found in the Standard C++ Library but the tool he really needed was his own brain. Sadly once the code was working too many instructors would accept it.
Remember that this is part of the Dialogue section of C Vu so you have an implicit invitation to critique my solution as well as add any other useful information you have about the actual problem.
(Submissions to <> by January 10th)
Here is the code I have using the equation to drop the lowest number from the grades. The problem is, if I change up number 3 and number 4, I get a different answer. I used the numbers 80, 84, 60, 100 and 90. Putting the numbers in like that, I get 88 but, if I mix up the 100 and 60 then I get a grade of 81. Can anyone tell me why it is not finding the lowest number and just dropping it when I tell it to (- lowest)?
#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; int main() { int test1, test2, test3, test4,test5,average, averagescore,divide; cout <<"This program will gather five test scores and\n"; cout <<"drop the lowest score, giving you the average\n"; cout <<"\n"; cout <<"Please enter Five Test scores\n"; cin >> test1>>test2>>test3>>test4>>test5; int lowest = test1; // test 1 is the lowest number unless if (test2 < test1)lowest = test2; // test 2 is smaller than test 1 unless if (test3 < test2)lowest = test3; // test 3 is smaller than test 2 unless if (test4 < test3)lowest = test4; // test 4 is smaller than test 3 unless if (test5 < test4)lowest = test5; // test 5 is smaller than test 4. average = (test1+test2+test3+test4+test5); // all test scores averaged together averagescore = average - lowest; // average score minus the lowest grade divide = averagescore /4; // average grade is then divided by 4 cout << divide<< endl; // final grade after division return 0; }
Besides the question asked by the student, this code gives you a chance to discuss topics such as extensibility, design and style. Please address as many issues as you consider necessary, without omitting the answer to the original question.
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